Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,59

his Adam’s apple bouncing up and down like a jumping bean.

“We’re here to talk about Charlie.” Cole’s jaw tightened with annoyance. “What are your recommendations?”

Ed opened his briefcase and pulled out a thick packet of papers. “I brought with me the participation packet for our reading assistance program as well as suggestions for multisensory games you could play with the boy over the holiday break. If you want to sign the agreement now, I can take it back with me and we can get him started when school resumes in January.”

Cole made no move to pick up the packet lying where Ed had placed it on the table. “Thank you for bringing these out. Meg and I will discuss this and get back to you with our decision.”

Ed’s lips thinned. He’d obviously expected them to sign on the dotted line. While Cole had little doubt that they would have Charlie participate in the program, this was something he and Meg needed to discuss first.

“I can’t stress strongly enough the need for early intervention.” Ed fixed his gaze on Cole. “You should know better than most the challenges children face when they get older and can’t read well.”

“Yes.” Cole gave a bark of laughter that lacked humor. “I’ve experienced how cruel kids can be.”

Ed flushed. He glanced down at his papers for a long moment then lifted his gaze. “I’ve owed you an apology for a long time. This is probably as good a time as any to say I’m sorry. I look back on what I said to you and, well, I can’t believe I was such—”

“A jerk,” Cole filled in the blank.

Meg’s gaze shifted from Cole to Ed, a frown furrowing her brow. “What did you say to him?”

The blotches on Ed’s neck, just above his shirt collar, deepened to a ruddy red. “Some remark about him reading at a fifth-grade level.”

“You knew Cole was dyslexic?” Meg’s surprise appeared genuine. If Cole didn’t know better he’d have been convinced. “How did you find out?”

Cole cast a sideways glance her way. “You told him.”

“Me?” Meg’s voice trembled with outrage. “I most certainly did not.”

“That’s what he told me.” Cole may have spoken to Meg but his gaze remained focused on Ed.

Meg’s eyes flashed green fire. If looks could kill, Ed would already be dead. “Ed?”

The man went very still for a moment. “I was your father’s student assistant that semester. I overheard you asking your dad for ways to help someone who couldn’t read well.”

Ed blew out a breath before turning toward Cole. “Meg refused to give him a name, but I knew you were seeing each other and I put two and two together.”

“How did you know I was seeing him?” Meg asked.

“I—I had this crush on you,” Ed said. “I was aware of everything you did.”

Cole listened to Meg chew Ed out with only half an ear, stunned by the realization that he’d blamed her all these years for something she hadn’t done.

The thought of how wrong he’d been was still running through his head when they walked Ed to the door, promising to get back to him with a decision after the first of the year.

Cole pushed the heavy front door shut behind him, then turned to face Meg. “I thought it was you who’d told Ed my secret.”

“That’s why you dumped me.” Her eyes widened as she made the connection. “You believed I’d broken your confidence.”

“Ed told me the two of you had laughed about me being so stupid. He said that’s why you didn’t want anyone to know that we were dating.”

“That man is lucky he isn’t standing in front of me right now,” Meg sputtered. “I’d never have done something so despicable. Never.”

“I know that now.” Cole moved from the foyer to the window in the great room, feeling restless, his thoughts as tangled as the swirling snow.

Cole fought against the cold invading his body, the aloneness invading his soul. Then Meg wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and rested her head against his back.

“I wish you’d have come to me,” she whispered in a low tone. “Given me a chance to explain, instead of believing the worst.”

He heard the pain in her voice and the disappointment.

“I was seventeen. Even if you’d explained, I don’t know that I’d have believed you.” Cole turned to face her, reassured when she kept her arms around him. “You were brilliant.”

Meg gave a strangled laugh. “Hardly.”

“You were to me.” He traced the gentle curve of her Copyright 2016 - 2024