Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,56

able to sleep. He didn’t even wake up the last time I took his temp.”

“You have to be exhausted,” Cole said.

“I’m okay.” Meg covered a yawn with her hand.

“Remember our deal.” Cole slathered a thick swath of grape jam across his toast. “I watch Charlie this afternoon while you take a nap.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” Meg said with a sigh. “I’m just not sure there will be time.”

“Why not?” Cole’s gaze lifted from the toast. “We don’t have any plans.”

“We didn’t have any plans.” Meg stirred a spoonful of brown sugar into her oatmeal. “While you were in the shower, I got bombarded with phone calls. Our social calendar is now full.”

Okay, bombarded may have been a bit strong for two calls. But considering the phone rarely rang, it had felt like a whole lot more.

“Who called?”

“Ryan.” Meg glanced at her cell phone lying on the table and checked the time. “In fact, he should be here in about fifteen minutes.”

“What’s the occasion?” Cole asked, sounding only mildly interested.

“He didn’t say.” Meg had tried to pin down the smooth-talking attorney, but he’d been as slippery as Charlie at bathtime. “But I have a hunch he wants to talk to you about Kate.”

Cole started to laugh then stopped when she didn’t join in. “You’re serious.”

“While I don’t know for certain,” she said, “that was the vibe he was giving off.”

“I hate to burst your bubble,” Cole said, “but guys aren’t like women. Ryan isn’t going to spend all that time driving out here to talk about his girlfriend problems.”

“Believe what you want.” Meg took a bite of toast. “I grew up with brothers.”

“I still say there has to be another reason for his visit,” Cole said.

“I’ve given you my theory.” Meg pushed back her chair, other worries on her mind. “I’m going to hop into the shower.”

A thoughtful look blanketed Cole’s face. “Before Ryan gets here I think I’ll sit with Charlie for a few minutes. That way, if he wakes up, he won’t be alone.”

“That’s nice of you, but not necessary,” Meg said. “Last I checked he was sleeping very soundly.”

“I’d still like to spend the time with him,” Cole said.

“Well, if you need me I’ll be making myself presentable for company.” A tiny smile lifted the corners of Meg’s mouth. “Just in case I’m wrong and Ryan does want to visit with me while he’s here.”

“You want me to do what?” Ryan’s voice rose before the attorney reined it in and dropped it to a more conversational level.

“For God’s sake, Ry, I’m not asking you to rob a bank.” Cole spoke freely, not concerned about being overheard. Meg was upstairs while he and Ryan were in the first-floor office with the door shut. “Just drop off the envelope at the post office in town. It already has the correct postage, so you don’t need to do anything else.”

“Does Margaret know?” Ryan asked.

“Know what?” Cole shifted in his seat, hoping his impulsive decision to ask Ryan to drop off the envelope containing his and Charlie’s DNA samples hadn’t been a mistake.

When Meg had mentioned Ryan’s visit, Cole realized the attorney could be his way of getting the samples in the mail.

“Does Margaret know you’re doing a DNA test on the boy?”

Cole hesitated, not sure whether to confirm or deny Ryan’s suspicions. “You got all that from one envelope being sent to a lab?”

“Actually, the fact that Charlie looks like you was my first clue.” Ryan leaned back in the tall wingback chair, his eyes devoid of the laughter usually found lurking in the gray depths. “Janae wanting to add you to the will, even though she’d already listed Margaret, was the second. I may not be smart enough to figure out a way to keep Kate from preferring Joel over me, but I’m not stupid.”

Meg had been right, Cole suddenly realized. Ryan had come over to talk about Kate. He forced his thoughts back to the matter at hand. “All I’m asking is that you drop the envelope off on your way home.”

“You are aware that by doing the test in this manner, the results won’t hold up in court.” Ryan’s expression turned serious and Cole could almost see him putting on his lawyer’s hat. “The chain-of-custody requirement won’t be met.”

“I understand,” Cole said. “If this comes out the way I think it will, then I’ll look at taking that next step.”

“You like Margaret,” Ryan said.

“Of course I do,” Cole admitted.

“Then, as your friend, I suggest you don’t keep this from Copyright 2016 - 2024