Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,39

devastating, but at least Charlie wasn’t alone. Charlie had him. God willing, would always have him.

Cole’s gaze drifted to where Meg sat, an arm looped around his son’s shoulders, smiling at something the child had said.

In that moment Cole knew Charlie had been right. He had no doubt that Ty and Janae were looking down from heaven, grateful that their son had found a home with two people who loved him.

For Charlie’s sake, Meg would have to play a part in the little boy’s life.

Consequently, she would remain in his, as well.

Chapter Ten

By the time Charlie fell asleep, exhaustion had wrapped itself around Meg’s shoulders like a heavy shawl. Since the child’s room was only a couple doors down the hall from hers, she was tempted to go straight to bed.

The only thing that stopped her from doing just that was the knowledge that Cole was still up. He’d tucked in Charlie then headed downstairs ostensibly to get a couple of ibuprofen for his aching knee.

Meg knew that had been a ruse, a ploy to give her more time alone with the boy, in case there was anything Charlie needed to share before he drifted off to sleep.

But Meg knew Charlie was done talking about his parents, at least for the evening. About an hour before bedtime, Cole had pulled out a box of action figures and from that point on Charlie’s whole focus had been on Castle Grayskull and the Masters of the Universe action figures.

Meg thought it was cool knowing these were the same toys Cole had played with when he’d been Charlie’s age. Though they’d tried to give her the Man-at-Arms action figures, being therapeutic and empathetic for much of the evening had sucked the energy right out of her. She’d been content to watch Cole and his new son play with Skeletor and He-Man.

It had felt good to simply chill and regroup. She’d been a little over her head today. When Charlie had begun to confide his fears, she’d immediately begun to worry. What if she said the wrong thing and traumatized the child more? She’d hoped Cole would jump in, but it quickly became apparent he was yielding to her expertise.

Meg snorted. As if being the oldest girl in a family of eight children or raising teenagers had given her extra insight into a small boy’s brain.

Still, Charlie had gone to sleep with a smile on his face. Meg now faced an even more daunting task—dealing with Cole and THE OFFER.

The way they’d left it made it appear she was considering his proposition. Which she wasn’t. What he had proposed was totally out of the question. That was the reason she aimed her feet toward the stairs. She needed to set the record straight.

And she must do it now…before she convinced herself that having an affair with Cole Lassister made some sort of crazy sense.

Cole looked up from the magazine he’d been flipping through when he heard Meg’s footsteps on the stairs. The chill he’d felt when he’d shut off the fireplace turned to heat the second he turned his head and saw her.

Her red-brown curls lay in a tangled mess around her shoulders. Sometime during the evening she’d shed her shoes and her lipstick. Still, even at the end of a long day, with fatigue bracketing her eyes, she remained a beautiful woman.

Of course, he knew lots of beautiful women.

He lifted a brow when she dropped into the chair opposite the sofa where he sat.

“Charlie asleep?” he asked, determined to keep the conversation neutral until he ascertained the reason for her late-night visit.

“Out like a light.” She smiled and rested her head against the back of the chair. “I honestly believe this evening’s discussion was harder on us than on him.”

Cole had always known Meg was smart and had a quick mind. Tonight he’d seen her sensitive side. The way she’d comforted Charlie had been amazing. “You did a superb job of helping him understand that his parents didn’t die because of anything he did.”

“Thank you,” Meg said, but worry still clouded her eyes. “I think he’s doing okay. I hope he is.”

He placed the magazine on the coffee table. “How about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Is parenthood what you thought it would be? How are you holding up?”

“Despite the challenges, I’m liking it.” Meg leaned forward, resting her arms on her thighs.

The V-neck of her sweater gaped, giving Cole a good view of the swells of her breasts. Suddenly, talking no longer seemed quite Copyright 2016 - 2024