Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,37

he’d imagined what it would be like to make love to her again. And again. And again.

Ever since that night, whenever he hopped into bed, he imagined her lying beside him, hair spread out on the pillow, the sweet scent of her perfume filling his nostrils. The softness of the sheets reminded him of the feel of her skin against his fingertips. He swore the taste of her mouth still lingered on his lips.

Even when he finally fell into an exhausted slumber, she permeated his dreams. On the surface, entering into a physical affair with her might appear to not make sense. Yet, perhaps such a relationship was a necessary evil.

Yes, that’s how he should think of it, as a necessary evil.

Not only was he finding it incredibly hard to be under the same roof with her and not touch, there was another reason a physical relationship with Meg should be given careful consideration.

This would be a way to get her out of his system once and for all. If he’d learned anything from his years of dating, it was that the hot-and-heavy phase never lasted.

With Meg, he’d broken it off before the sizzle had a chance to fizzle.

Necessary evil, he reminded himself.

Somehow the thought cheered him.

“Uncle Cole, you get to climb the ladder.” Charlie’s voice resonated with excitement.

Cole obligingly moved his piece to where his son indicated. He glanced up to find Meg staring and impulsively shot her a wink. “My reward for being a good boy.”

She seemed confused by the comment, so he pointed to the good-deed square he’d landed on that showed him “sweeping up a mess.”

Meg rolled her eyes. “Your turn, Charlie.”

The child gave the arrow a spin.

“Uh-oh,” Meg said.

Charlie stared at the game board. His smile faded.

“Looks like you pulled a cat’s tail, my boy.” Though he wanted to smile, Cole kept his expression serious. “It’s down the chute for you.”

To his shock and dismay, tears filled the boy’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to be bad.”

Now Charlie’s tears fell in earnest.

Sitting on the floor in front of the fire, Cole exchanged a glance with Meg. He wasn’t sure what was going on. All he knew was it went beyond poor sportsmanship.

“Charlie.” Meg opened her arms to the boy, who sat cross-legged on the floor to her right. “Come over here and sit next to me.”

The child hesitated, wiping his cheeks with his sleeve before uncrossing his legs and scooting to her side.

Meg’s arms closed around him, holding him in a tight embrace. She tilted her head and rested her cheek on the top of his head. “Tell me what’s worrying you, sweetie.”

“I didn’t pull any cat’s tail.” The words burst from his lips and his whole body shuddered. “I’m not a bad boy.”

“It’s just a game—” Cole began, wanting to console the boy, but Meg shook her head, a warning in her eyes.

“I don’t want you and Uncle Cole to leave me.” Charlie sniffed.

“I’m not going to leave you,” Cole said, with a fierceness that took him by surprise. “Ever.”

Cole could almost feel Dr. Allman standing over him, shaking his head in disapproval. Okay, so maybe he could have used this as a teaching moment to explain the life cycle to the child, but right now, Cole sensed Charlie needed reassurance, not more rhetoric.

“I’m not leaving, either.” Meg met the boy’s gaze, her eyes golden in the lamplight. “But I’d like to know what you think can happen when a little boy or girl is naughty.”

Soft as silk, Meg’s tone invited confidence.

“Sometimes they have to clean up the mess,” Charlie whispered.

“That’s true.” Meg nodded. “What else?”

“They have to say they’re sorry.”

“Also true.” Meg gave the boy’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Cole resisted the urge to interrupt and tell Charlie that every adult knew that being naughty was simply part of being a child. Reiterate that this was only a game and sooner or later he and Meg would land on the same type of square. But he didn’t say a word. From the look on her face, it was obvious Meg had a plan.

Charlie stuck his thumb in his mouth and began to suck, his head now resting against Meg’s chest.

Cole’s heart clenched. Dr. Allman had spoken with him and Meg before Charlie’s session and told them that behavioral regression after a sudden loss was common. Sucking his thumb was his son’s way of comforting himself.

Still, knowing Charlie was in such pain that he had to revert to such childish behavior to find comfort brought tears Copyright 2016 - 2024