Second Chance Family - Cindy Kirk Page 0,16

mouth as if to speak, but closed it when Cole shot him a firm glance.

“Okay,” the boy said with a huge sigh.

“Thank you, Charlie,” Meg added. “I appreciate the help.”

“Is there anything I can do?” Cole asked Meg.

“Thanks for offering, but we’ll be able to manage.” For a second her smile was open and friendly. “Look at Charlie’s muscles.”

Beside her, the boy puffed with pride. “I’m real strong. I picked up this big punkin from our garden that even Daddy couldn’t lift.”

The sharp pain of loss sliced through Cole’s heart. As much as he’d wanted to take a bigger role in Charlie’s life, he’d never wanted it to come at Ty’s expense.

“Daddy and me put a mean face on it,” the boy continued. “Mommy got scared when we showed it to her.”

“Your mommy told me that story,” Meg responded with a smile, smoothing the child’s hair.

Cole wondered if Meg realized how therapeutic her talking about Janae and Ty was for Charlie. When Cole’s father passed away, his mom had made it clear he and his brother weren’t to talk about their dad or even mention his name. Cole had never been sure if that was because her husband’s death was so hard on her or if she just didn’t want to upset her new boyfriend.

“Charlie, honey, you stay in here until you hear me honk. That will be your signal to come and help me. Understand?”

The boy nodded.

With an ease that Cole couldn’t help envying, Meg slipped out the front door, pulling it closed behind her.

Charlie met Cole’s gaze. “Aunt Margaret and me got my toys and clothes. My mommy and daddy’s stuff was all gone.”

The pain and confusion in the child’s voice tugged at Cole’s heartstrings. Not responding wasn’t an option. Not with those big blue eyes focused on him, searching for answers.

“My daddy died when I wasn’t much older than you.” Cole cleared his throat. “Before long, everything of his was gone from our home. It felt as if he’d never been there.”

“Did it make you feel sad?” Charlie asked in a small voice.

“It did,” Cole agreed. “But then I realized his clothes and fishing and hunting gear were just things. My dad was still with me. He’d always be with me. Understand?”

Charlie’s face scrunched up in a frown. “I guess.”

Cole decided to further simplify. “My dad was sick for almost a year before he died. We all knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d go to heaven.”

“Did you tell him not to go?” Charlie’s bottom lip trembled. “Did you tell him that you’d miss him? That you were scared to be alone?”

Cole pressed his lips together, remembering how alone and scared he’d felt. His dad had been the only person he’d been able to count on. “Before he passed on, he told me that wherever I went, he’d be in my back pocket. Understand?”

Charlie’s brows pulled together for a long moment, then he nodded.

Cole expelled a breath.

The boy patted the back pocket of his jeans and a look of confusion blanketed his face. “I don’t feel Daddy here.”

“He’s not actually—” Cole stopped when Charlie squealed with laughter.

“I fooled you.” A big grin split the boy’s face.

The faint honking of a car horn broke through the laughter.

“I gotta go.” Charlie spun around and took off in the direction of the front door.

“Not that way. The door to the garage is through there.” Cole gestured with his head in the direction of the kitchen.

“I’m coming,” Charlie said in a loud voice, though there was no way she could hear him. “I’m coming, Aunt Margaret.”

Cole waited until the child disappeared into the kitchen before he returned to the chair he’d vacated minutes before.

Aunt Margaret.

Uncle Cole.

To an outsider, it probably sounded as if they were a family. As if they belonged together.

But they were living together for only one reason. As soon as he was on his feet, she’d be shown the door.

And once he got full custody, she’d be out of his life.

This time for good.

Chapter Five

The evening sped by quickly. Remembering that Janae had told her spaghetti was Charlie’s favorite dish, Meg had swung by the grocery store before picking up the boy.

Cole had seemed as pleased as Charlie when she’d announced what they were having for dinner. Seeing his empty cupboards and refrigerator, she understood.

In an attempt to provide a balanced meal, Meg made steamed broccoli for the vegetable and strawberries with whipped cream for dessert. By the time she and Charlie cleared the table, a tiny bit Copyright 2016 - 2024