Sebastian (The Billionaire Boyfriend #1) - Christina Benjamin Page 0,23

I got married.”

I smile and hug Clara tight. She’s said just what I needed to hear without knowing it.

Clara smiles back at me, though I can tell she’s still waiting for an answer. She can see right through me, she always has.

“Out with it,” she whispers firmly.

I heave a sigh, chin dropping toward my chest. No point in hiding it now. “Holly and I aren’t dating. I met her yesterday at her bakery when I went to pick up your cupcakes. I forgot to order those, by the way, and Holly made me help her bake them.”

Clara smirks. “You baked? Now I know you’re lying.”

“I’m not! I swear.”

She frowns pensively, processing my statement. “I knew you forgot . . .” she mutters before shaking her head, “but that doesn’t explain why she’s here. You invited a random girl you don’t even know to be your guest to my wedding? That’s a little weird. I mean, she’s a great baker but . . .”

“I know it sounds weird but at the time it felt like the right decision. You seemed so happy when she came to drop off some cupcakes I left behind.”

“Okay, ignoring the fact that you forgot my cupcakes twice, I was happy, Bash. I want you to find someone. It worries me that you’re always alone. You need someone in your life. Something besides your work.”

“Clara . . .”

She puts her hands on her slender hips. “Don’t argue with me on my wedding day. Just listen.”


“I'm going to ask you a very simple question, big brother. Do you like this Holly girl?” Clara asks quietly, the question almost hidden by the trill of the music. “Not as a baker, but as a woman.”

As the music loudens again, I consider ignoring my sister’s words, but when I try Clara gives me a little squeeze. “You’ve never been good with love, have you, Bash?”

“What?” I quip back, almost pulling free of her arms in shock. “I go on dates all the time. I can have practically any woman I want.”

This time it’s her turn for a sad smile. I feel so guilty for causing even the remotest hint of sadness on her face that I start apologizing but Clara cuts me off.

“Bash, that’s not at all what I meant and you know it. What is it that’s holding you back? Are you afraid of a relationship turning into the one Mom and Dad had? Or of someone leaving you like Dad left us?”

I swallow hard.

“You know you’re nothing like either of our parents. You’re just . . . Bash. Protective and gentle and kind. And I can tell by the way Holly looks at you that she sees that.”

I nod, looking away. We rock to the music, Clara’s gaze never shifting from me.

“Mom and Dad’s relationship . . . it’s not what I’m afraid of,” I finally say. “Not entirely, anyway.”

“Then what? What makes a relationship so scary to you? Is it Holly, are you just not interested in her?”

“No!” I say hastily before I can stop myself.

Clara’s eyebrows raise, a knowing smile on her face.

“No, it’s not that,” I mutter.

“So, you are interested in her then?” Clara presses, determined to hear the words.

My neck feels hot, palms clammy, heart pounding. Never once has a woman’s name or image in my mind brought on such a reaction. With Holly, it’s like everything is fresh, everything is vibrant, everything is just better. “I am interested in her. Holly is kind, fearless, sweet. She challenges me, but strangely I think I like it.”

Clara grins. “She sounds perfect.”

“She’s not,” I laugh, shaking my head. “Good God, she’s not even close. She’s impatient, sarcastic, bossy, and maybe even too smart for her own good.”

“Bash . . .” Clara sighs, shaking her head as she gives a pitying click of her tongue. “I didn’t mean she was perfect as in the woman is flawless. I meant that she sounds perfect for you.”

Clara’s words are a bucket of cold water tossed over my head, drenching me through.

“What do you mean?” I ask quietly, the words more of a grunt than a sentence.

“You need someone like that to balance you, to call you out, to stand at your side. You need an independent, smart little firecracker. That’s her, don’t you think?”

I don’t answer, looking away again.

“You don’t have to be worried about Mom and me. We don’t need you to replace Dad anymore. Stop ignoring your own needs for us. We can take care of ourselves. If Copyright 2016 - 2024