Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,41

the molasses?” I’d not heard of them before, but I guess they were a regional favorite, and after trying one, I understood why.

“They were. They currently reside in the bellies of a bunch of more experienced people.” He picked up his shirt, angling the camera so I could get a good look. “He seems to be asleep,” he teased. “How was your day?”

I started to ramble on about the food, one tiny little fire which would make good television, and the hotdog cart that stopped by for lunch with the hopes of getting a spot on air. I left off the part describing the terrible void I felt being so far away from him. He didn’t need that on his shoulders. He already had enough there.

“Look,” he flipped the camera around. “He’s dancing.” And sure enough, his belly did a weird alien thing and brought tears to my eyes.

“He dances like his daddy.”

“You’re right. Look at how out of step he is.” He directed his attention to our baby, “You dance just like your daddy Chet. Don’t ever let him tell you otherwise.”

I burst into laughter. We might not have all of our shit together, or even some of it, but we got each other and that was priceless.

I love you. It bubbled up to the surface. I loved him so. But this was not the time nor the place to do it for real. I had to do it when he could hear and I could seal it with a kiss. That would need to wait until I could get home.


I couldn’t wait to get home.



My head was pounding, which wasn’t surprising as I’d hardly slept. And I swear my vision was blurred but, again, maybe that was just lack of sleep. Good thing today’s my monthly doctor’s appointment.

Chet texted asking how I was, and I answered with Fine. A lie. And then, A little tired. True. Explaining my discomfort would upset him. Besides, if it was anything serious, I’d find out at the checkup.

Old Doc Samuels here in town was fine for sniffles, skinned knees, and injections, but prenatal visits were an hour away. As I sat up, the room spun around. “Whoa!” and I sank back onto the bed.

There’s no way I can drive. I phoned Dave, and he picked up on the first ring. “Are you free this morning?” I asked, crossing my fingers he had a sitter or his little one was at daycare.


After explaining, Dave said he’d shower and be with me in 20 minutes. And he was true to his word. He raced in with wet hair and mismatched sneakers while I was trying to get into my pants.

And that freaked me out. If he’d taken his time, I wouldn’t have given it another thought. But his pinched mouth and fingers gripping the wheel as we sped along the rural highway did nothing for my increasing anxiety.

We sat in silence during the drive, and I lay a protective hand over my bump. I’d been too scared to check my symptoms online. Besides, there was so much garbage on the internet, I’d get myself worried—probably for nothing. The little one was kicking, and I wriggled my butt trying to get comfortable.

When Dave ushered me into the doctor’s waiting room, the nurse hustled me straight into his office without doing the usual blood pressure and urine tests first. Again, not helping with the fear.

The knot of tension in my stomach was growing, and I needed the doctor to say there was nothing to worry about and all pregnant omegas go through this. But the look that passed between the nurse and Dave didn’t reassure me. I inwardly cursed Amanda for cutting out my meds.

The doctor asked me the usual questions, her face masked by professionalism. She checked my feet and hands and asked if I’d gained a lot of weight in the last month. “Aren’t I supposed to?” I asked. Why is everyone being so weird?

After taking my blood pressure, and checking the baby’s heart rate which she said was within the normal range, she handed me over to the nurse who took me to pee in a cup. That was hard. Lately, I spent a good chunk of the day in the bathroom. Guess I haven’t been drinking enough. And she took blood. I hated needles and scrunched my eyes closed as she tried to find a vein. Ouch!

Waiting for the doctor to return, my mind explored the possibilities. None of them were good. Copyright 2016 - 2024