Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,33

to lift me again, to take control, but I wasn’t powerless. I squeezed around him, and he moaned until I released my grip. Inhale and repeat. This time holding him for longer until he was babbling my name over and over.

And with his fingers pressing into the flesh on my legs, he raised me. But I wasn’t the only one with wily ways. He held me there, his arms trembling while our rapid breathing mirrored one another.

“Put your hands on your dick,” he instructed. The aching tension in his voice, the authority in his hands as he held my weight, had my obeying. Wrapping my fingers around the shaft, I gave my length a quick pump and Chet lowered me. His cock was so big and it was inside me. Giving me more pleasure than I’d ever experienced. I wanted every part of this man. I craved his scent, his mind, his body, and huge fat dick.

“Pump it hard. And fast. I need to hear your slippery wet fingers sliding over it, making you howl as my dick fucks you.”

The power not only of his arms, but also his passion had me close to hyperventilating. His dick in me. Mine in my hand. Racing together toward fulfillment. Wet, slippery, hot, sweaty, grunting, moaning, as our bodies fused.

“Chet, I…” But as he lowered me over his cock, I lost the will to speak. Even to think. And he sped up. The slapping of wet flesh as he filled me and I tugged at my length had a gripping sensation starting in my belly and spreading to my legs and arms, toes and fingertips.

I was on fire. Sweat streamed into my eyes as my hand jerked my dick. The air was heavy with the scent of sex. It clogged my nostrils and made me dizzy as Chet lifted my ass and plunged into me.

Something primitive deep inside me spoke to me, telling me this man, this alpha, who would forever be in my life, was mine. My other half, partner, mate… the name didn’t matter. He was mine and I was his. But he isn’t ready to hear the words.

My mind went blank and all that existed was him buried in my slick heat, my fingers on my cock, and our breath mingling as we panted and hurtled toward our climax.

I screamed, “Chet!” as spasms took over my body. I shuddered and Chet moaned as he plunged my ass downward. His seed streamed into me and his knot swelled and filled my ass.

Cum spurted from my dick, spraying the bed, and Chet’s limp hands let go of my legs and I slumped against his chest

“So, are we dating?” I asked as my breathing returned to normal.

“Isn’t that what teens do? Kind of childish, don’t you think?”

“Are you trying to get out of putting a name to what we are?” I huffed. “Don’t want to be pinned down?”

“That’s not it. We’re pregnant.” He took one look at my narrowed eyes. “You’re pregnant so we’re past the dating stage.”

“I… I…” Coward! I’d been starting to say I wanted him. For us to be a couple. An omega and alpha who loved and were committed to one another. But I chickened out. “I’m lost. Lay it out for me.” I was handing the power to him, and that pissed me off. Not at him but at me.

“Let’s just see where this goes.”

“I know where it leads… with a baby. And then what?”

“We have time. We’ll figure it out.” He popped a kiss on my nose.



“No.” Glenn had me seething, even if he was only the messenger. I didn’t want to leave. I wasn’t ready. Just no.

“Chet, trust me. I tried to convince them we could work around you. They insisted.” Something had gone wrong with one of the tapings and they wanted my ass back in Arizona of all places to do some reshooting. Turned out the town had organized an entire festival for the airing of the episode, one we had taped months earlier and should’ve aired long before then, but no...PR got wind of the festival planning and deals were made—deals that were now directly impacting me.

“I don’t want to go. I just don’t.” I bit my lip, not wanting to share the news like this. Stan was already showing, the townspeople all knew the baby was mine even if they only spoke of it in hushed tones as was the way of small towns. It was fine for Glenn to be in Copyright 2016 - 2024