Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,2

world, and when you’re ready, the job will still be here.”

His kindness almost had me reconsider. He was a father figure, and I hated disappointing him. But I had to put my happiness and well-being before anything else. “It’s weird how a few seconds can make you reevaluate what you want out of life.”

“Getting mixed up with criminals through no fault of your own is far from the norm. You have every right to want to take things slow.”

“That’s where you’re right. But not just for now. Forever. I appreciate the opportunities you’ve given me. But in my heart, corporate life isn’t for me. Meeting customers, joking with the staff, and getting my hands dirty in the kitchen is where I’m happiest.”

“And I’m guessing not wearing a suit and tie is a plus.”

I nodded, and we both laughed.

“Stan, you have an amazing career ahead of you, I can see you becoming regional manager in a few years. Is this really what you want or is it fear talking? You’ve been through so much.”

“It took me a long time to work out the answer to that question. A month ago, I would have said I was scared, but being in the café is what I love. And I’m good at it.”

“That's true. You were the best.” Abrar sighed. “So your decision is courageous not fearful.”

I’d never thought of it like that. Yeah, this was a brave decision. I wasn’t running away from anything, but moving toward my future. “I think so.”

He glanced at a floaty toy bobbing up and down on the pool’s surface. “Fine. The job’s yours.”

“As the café manager? Really? Just like that?”

“One of the advantages of being the boss. I can make snap decisions.”

“Thank you.” I jumped up and hugged him.

“When can you start?”

I chuckled. This man had worked so hard to build up his empire, and even though he’d cut back on his hours and worked from home a lot more due to health issues, he was still able to juggle all his responsibilities.

“A week from now? I have to pack up my apartment, and I’ve spoken to the landlord about breaking the lease.”

Abrar shook his head. “Let me deal with that. I’ll make sure your landlord returns your deposit.”

No matter what, he always looked after me, and my eyes swam with tears. “Thank you. And I’m sorry if…”

“Hey, no regrets.” He smirked, “I’ll still be your boss…”

“But we won’t see one another often.” And that was the worst part about my moving away.

“Video calls. Every week. Okay?”


He stood up. “Guess what I have in the kitchen.”

I knew that look. It was his coffee face, and he wasn’t talking about any old beans. It was a surprise. “A new blend?”

“Maybe.” His eyes lit up as he threw his napkin on the table. “Want to try?”

“Absolutely. It’ll be like old times.” It’d be the perfect way to say goodbye.



“I want to do something different.” Which was exactly what I said every time Glenn and I had this conversation. I got it. I did. As my producer, he wanted the best television out of each trip. And I did too—at least at the beginning. Now? Now I wanted more.

When I was first signed on with Eats Network, I had been given a six-episode deal. Prove myself during those six episodes or move along. Those episodes were all about making good television, but things had morphed since then. I wasn’t looking for new viewers. Shit, I had plenty of those. I was looking to strengthen our connection. They trusted me to find them great food across the country when they tuned in to Coffee, Cafés, and Corner Stores. They weren’t looking for a gimmick.

Glenn loved gimmicks.

“Different is a ratings gamble,” he reminded me for the four thousandth time since we began working together. “If we are going to do different, it needs to be the kind of different that can sell.” In other words, more of the same or something so over the top it was bullshit.

“And you have an idea?” I wasn’t in the mood for this shit. I had yet to have a decent cup of coffee and my patience was wearing thin. So thin.

“What if we do a country tour? You know, follow Route 66 and film along the way.” He’d had worse ideas. But given the timing, it wasn’t going to work and he and I both knew it. He had something else up his sleeve.

“We have two episodes left to book for this season. Two. Copyright 2016 - 2024