Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,19

since the first day we met when I thought you were an ass,” he teased. I had been an ass, as unintentional as it might have been.

“I guess that works for me since I’ve been a walking hard-on since then.” I kept circling his puckered hole, gently sliding my fingertip in and out, barely breaching his hole...just enough to drive him crazy.

His hips bucked as I increased my depth. “You like that, omega mine.” The words just slipped out, yet felt so right. How could he feel like mine? We’d only known each other a few days and soon enough I’d be gone, back to the city...back to my life of never growing roots.

“Need it.” He bucked his hips again. “Need more.”

“Then more you shall have.” I pecked his lips, the peck growing deeper as I went from one finger to two to three, his breath quickening, his body wiggling, his scent deepening with his need. “You’re so fucking hot,” I whispered against his lips. “Let me be inside you.”

“Condoms—nightstand.” I reached over and grabbed one sitting right next to his suppressants as he slipped a pillow under his hips. I ripped the foil and rolled it over my cock, almost wishing we didn’t need it—especially with his suppressants. But we were not a forever thing. Heck, we weren’t an entire month thing. This was smart. As much as I wasn’t a fan.

“How…” I didn’t even get the question out when he pulled me to him, wrapping his legs around me and kissing me soundly. I lined myself up with his entrance and slowly entered him, his groans of pleasure as I bottomed out almost enough to push me over the edge.

Nirvana. Being inside him was fucking nirvana.

I pushed his legs back to get a better angle and began to slowly pump in and out of him until he started to meet me thrust for thrust and started to whimper and beg for me to go harder and faster. Seeing him beneath me so needy and raw and vulnerable was fucking everything, and I gave him everything he asked for and more, our bodies pushing each other closer and closer to climax until I could barely hold back.

“Touch me,” he cried out, his head falling back onto the pillow, and I reached for his cock, wrapping my fingers around it just as my climax rushed through me, no longer able to hold it back. A few pumps later and he joined me as my knot filled him, joining us together as I collapsed on top of him and rolled us over so he lay on me instead.

“You are magnificent,” I praised as I peppered his face with little kisses, just loving being close to him.

“That’s what I was going to say.” He smacked a kiss on my cheek, and we lay there snuggled up together in each other’s arms until my knot subsided just as the timer went off.

We scurried to get cleaned up enough for dinner, and I threw the condom in the trash, not giving it another thought.



Wonder what he’s doing right now.

Probably sitting with his producer editing the piece he did on my Café Om. Was he bleary-eyed as they made yet another cut? While the other guy was on the phone or in the bathroom, did Chet secretly rewind the footage with me in it? Or was I just another coffee shop manager, who stuttered and looked directly into the camera instead of at Chet?

I sighed and grimaced. My mouth felt like the bottom of a birdcage. And my stomach was joining in the fun. Nausea washed over me in waves. Putting a hand to my forehead, I was relieved there was no fever.

Was this a reaction to going off my meds? My therapist had warned me and told me to call her if I was having a hard time. But as I flung off the bed clothes and raced for the bathroom, she hadn’t mentioned the symptoms would be so violent. Especially as she’d been reducing my dosage for weeks. This wasn’t a cold turkey situation.

After washing my face and stumbling back to bed, I checked the phone. Six a.m. No need to get up yet. I could have Charlie open up and go down to the shop a little later. But if I was honest with myself—and lately I was anything but—I was hoping Chet had messaged. But since he left, it had been radio silence.

I’d given him my number and seen him add Copyright 2016 - 2024