Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,15

gasped. A second finger joined the first, and then a third. Thrusting in and out as Chet took my dick in his mouth and deepthroated it.

Oh my God, I hope he isn’t choking! He wasn’t. He was finger-fucking me and sucking me toward orgasm. My eyes glazed over, and I fell back on the pillow.

He paused, and I lifted my head as his eyes found mine. His were dark pools of hunger and lust, and I wanted them raking over every inch of my body leaving scorch marks on my damp flesh.

His hand went fast and slow, gliding over the shaft as his tongue licked and flicked. Fingers shoved in and out of my hole had my breath quickening. His mouth was molded to my cock as desire rippled through me.

“Chet, I’m so close.” I placed a hand over his at the base of my cock and pumped. My eyes snapped shut, I arched my back and emptied my cum in his mouth.



“How does that sound?” Glenn asked, and I realized I had not a clue as to what he had been saying. I’d been too busy thinking about the night before with Stan. I’d expected things to go sort of well, otherwise I’d never have invited him, wow. Conversation flowed easily and our dessert...damn, that was good. I’d have been up for another round if he’d been interested. But instead of cuddling up the way I’d wanted, he thanked me and got dressed.

Thanked me as if it had been a favor or something. I’d been damn lucky to have him explode in my mouth the way he did. The way he came undone had been so fucking beautiful.

But I didn’t push. Shit, I didn’t even offer, not wanting to make today weird knowing we’d have to spend the entire day together regardless of how either of us felt about the night before.

I knew how I felt. I wanted a repeat or two or five. And not just the blow job, although I wouldn’t turn down a chance to have him in my mouth again, but the conversation, the laughs, and the feeling I had when he smiled. I wanted it all. I just wish I knew what he wanted.

“I’m sorry. Say again?” I asked. I was going to pay attention this time. This was work and work was important.

“I said today I want to focus on interviewing customers.”

“That was the plan, yes.” Stan walked behind Glenn. “So get on that and let me know when you’re ready for me.” I stepped around Glenn. He’d give me crap later for it, but I only had a short period of time left in this place, and I was going to make it count. Besides, Glenn needed something to razz me about. It was like it gave him purpose or something.

“Hey.” Stan’s face lit up as I met him near the counter. “Want a coffee?”

“Yeah.” Because smooth I was not this morning. “I mean, I’d like that. Thanks.”

“Want something fancy like we did yesterday or just your regular?” Regular. Something you would say if you were paying attention. Stan was paying attention—to me.

“Regular is perfect.” He turned to grab a mug and I had to force myself not to stare at his perfect ass. He made two, although the grounds were different for his, and set mine in front of me and brought his own to his lips. “Dinner was nice.” He spoke over the lip of his cup.

“Dessert was better.” I took a sip of my coffee, loving the slight tinge of pink on Stan’s face. “Maybe we can have dinner again?” I was playing it cool. I was so not cool. My heart was pounding in my chest as if the words that were about to leave his lips held the power to save or break me. And really? They did hold the power to break me, and that should terrify me, yet somehow it didn’t. It just made me sweat a little—fine, a lot.

He set his cup down, his eyes scanning the area. “Ms. Bea still out of town or were you, out to eat?”

“She’s back,” his shoulders slumped. “But I was thinking maybe...maybe we could cook dinner together at your place? I could bring the ingredients. It could be fun?” It hadn’t been my plan, but now that I had said it, my stomach had butterflies.

There was something about creating a meal together with someone that was magical, and not even in a sexual way, although Copyright 2016 - 2024