The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,95

the crowd of students and rushed to the aid of his helpless friend. He made his way toward Jeremiah, who appeared to be preparing to kick Riley in the side while he was down. He shoved him back with a push to the chest, all the while screaming, “Castor, stop! Leave him alone!” Landon then turned to get Joshua in check, but was stopped by a fist. Riley had gotten to his feet and blindly threw a punch that connected square with Landon’s right temple. Everything went black.

• • • • •

When Landon woke up, he was lying in a bed in the medical wing. Riley was crouched over in a chair with an ice pack on his hand, and a nurse was writing things on Landon’s chart. Suddenly, Landon realized what had happened, and he couldn’t believe he’d landed himself in the medical wing from one errant punch. Even his first sparring match before Christmas wasn’t as embarrassing as this.

When Riley noticed that Landon had opened his eyes, he hesitantly stood up and walked over to the bed, but he didn’t say anything. The nurse finished her examination. After sliding Landon’s chart into its holder, she turned to Landon and gave him her assessment.

“Landon Wicker,” the nurse said, “you appear to be fine, but we’re going to request that you remain overnight for observation. When you were knocked unconscious”—she gave Riley an accusatory glance—“you hit your head pretty hard on the floor. We need to make sure you didn’t suffer a concussion or any other possible injuries.”

Landon nodded in understanding. The nurse, after giving Landon a gentle pat on the shoulder, left the room through the open door.

“My bad, man,” Riley said as he gave Landon a brotherly shove with his arm.

“I was trying to help you, you know?” Landon returned derisively. He wanted to just say he understood and that everything was all right between them, but after the past few weeks, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Landon was more than a little aggravated that he had ended up in the medical wing not from his training, or from the Cranes, but due a rogue punch from the person he was trying to help. The pain that was pulsing from the impact point on the side of his head only made him less forgiving.

“I didn’t mean to. The twins, they knocked my tray out of my hands when I was walking by, and I just snapped. And when I hit you, uh, I wasn’t even looking. I just kind of swung with everything I had.”

“Well, you really should look where you’re punching next time. Seriously!” Landon snapped back. “And why would the Cranes be messing with you?”

Riley was taken aback, but his shock turned to contempt.

“Cuz I’m not you! . . . And you know what? Don’t worry about me!” he barked. “Next time, don’t come butting into my business. Just stay out of it! Stick to your oh-so-secret techniques at your oh-so-special training and I’ll just stay as I am! You know, you’re not as special as you think you are Landon. I’m done! Got it?”

“There it is!” Landon was exasperated and sat up in his medical bed. “It always comes back to the training! Whatever happens, you just can’t let it go!”

“Oh,” Riley interrupted, “I’ve let it go! You know what? . . . I’m not sorry I hit you. You deserved it!” His face red with anger, Riley turned on the spot and stormed out of the examination room.

“You know, maybe if you weren’t such a whiny little baby, they would’ve wanted you too!” Landon yelled as Riley disappeared through the door.

Landon fell back onto his pillows with a huff. He was so mad that he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. Trying to lower his blood pressure and calm down, he closed his eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath. He was surprised he had gotten so worked up. After the blood left his face and returned to a normal color, Dr. Brighton entered the room looking angry. His brows were furrowed and his lips pursed, and after shutting the door behind him, he immediately crossed his arms over his puffed up chest.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” he asked.

Landon suddenly became aware of himself. A glob of spit formed in his mouth that he couldn’t seem to swallow, his arms and legs tingled, and a faint buzzing started to ring in his ear. No I don’t, Copyright 2016 - 2024