The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,90

for this?” he asked, panting. “No one expects you to win your first match, so just do your best.”

“I’ll try.” Landon could feel bile rising in his throat. He was as ready as he’d ever be, but that didn’t reassure him in the least.

“Pollux and Apollo! The ring! Now!” Dr. Brighton ordered.

Landon took a deep breath and gingerly stepped into the brightly lit square. Jeremiah did the same from the other side of the ring. His white teeth gleamed in the light as he smiled at Landon, but it wasn’t a mean or menacing smile. He almost seemed proud, like he was excited that Landon was getting one step closer to being a full-fledged member of the Pantheon. The Pantheon was like a secret society, and the sparring matches were a sort of initiation. Landon would have to prove his worth to one day become an active agent.

“You both know the rules,” Dr. Brighton said. “Hand-to-hand combat only—no abilities, no weapons—and the match is over only when one of you submits or can’t continue.”

Landon and Jeremiah nodded to Dr. Brighton in understanding and then bowed their heads to one another. Dr. Brighton stepped out of the ring.

“Go!” he said, his voice echoing through the Palaestra.

Landon instantly raised his hands to protect his face as he’d been taught and began to circle the ring.

“You can do it, Apollo!” Peregrine yelled from the sidelines.

Hearing her cheer calmed Landon’s nerves slightly. He felt a bit of weight lift from his shoulders, knowing that someone was rooting for him to do well. He knew he wasn’t getting the same support from everyone in the Pantheon.

“Come on already!” Brock shouted impatiently.

Jeremiah narrowed his eyes and stepped toward Landon with his fists clenched. He swung hard at Landon’s face, but Landon managed to block his attempt with his arm. His forearm seared with pain. He couldn’t believe how much it hurt.

Jeremiah launched another punch with the other hand, and Landon managed to bob his head out of the way just in time. A split-second later, Jeremiah’s leg was speeding toward Landon’s side. Landon gasped and clenched his teeth as it connected. He felt his entire torso constrict as the pain surged through his body. He could feel the heat of his abilities fire in his core, but he fought to suppress them.

Then with lightning speed, Jeremiah stepped forward, hooked one foot behind Landon’s left leg, and yanked back, pulling Landon’s foot out from under him and knocking him to the ground.

Landon scrambled to his feet and took a few steps away from Jeremiah. Embarrassed and still feeling pain in his arm and side, Landon tried to think. Jeremiah was small, agile and fast. There was no hope for Landon to beat him in close quarters because he just wouldn’t be able to keep up with his maneuvers.

He wiped his sweaty palms against his shorts and started circling the ring as Jeremiah pivoted around the center. Jeremiah cracked his knuckles and smiled again. This smile did not convey pride in his teammate, but rather, Bring it on!

“Come on, Apollo! You can do it!” Peregrine cheered from the sidelines.

Jeremiah’s head snapped toward her voice. “What about me, Echo? You don’t want me to win?” He sounded genuinely hurt that he was not receiving Peregrine’s support.

Landon suddenly saw his opportunity. He dove headlong at Jeremiah, his hands outstretched, and managed to wrap his arms around his midsection, knocking him to the ground. They slid across the floor for a few feet, and Landon struggled to pin down Jeremiah. His judo training ran through his mind as he tried to think of the best hold to move into from his current position, but Landon couldn’t think of a single one. He just fought to maintain his grip on Jeremiah, who was wriggling and writhing around to get free. Landon tightened his arms, hoping to at least hold on. He couldn’t believe how tiring this was. He felt like he was using every muscle in his body just to hold the spry Crane brother to the ground.

He could feel his grip slipping. Jeremiah was breaking free, and he didn’t know what to do to stop him. Then, like a snake, Jeremiah slid out of Landon’s hold, wrapped his body around Landon and trapped Landon’s arm between his legs. Landon couldn’t even process it fast enough. One moment he had Jeremiah pinned down, his arms around his waist, and the next, in a confusing tumble of arms and legs, he was lying Copyright 2016 - 2024