The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,76

thing up, I can give you guys the cover you need to get out, but it will only be for a second or two, so you’re gonna have to book it.”

Landon then shut his eyes and slowed his breathing. He could feel the internal heat radiate through his body as he fed the blazing fire of his abilities. His face relaxed, and then without warning, he yelled, “Go!”

Landon blew up the snow dome, sending thousands of snowflakes throughout the walled-in area, forming a dense fog. The force Landon put into causing the snow cover knocked Riley and Katie Leigh over, and it took a moment for them to collect themselves. But they managed to get to their feet and run fast enough to get out.

Landon was now alone with Brock and the Cranes. He stood in the center of the field, awaiting another volley of snowballs to come rocketing toward him, but nothing happened. Body heat radiated from his exposed hands and ears as he waited, and he became aware of how exhausted he was. This was the first time outside of his sessions with Dr. Brighton that he could feel the physical taxation of his abilities on his body. He also was a bit surprised that his plan had seemed to work. Riley and Katie Leigh were gone, and the blue team’s horn hadn’t sounded yet.

When the snow settled and he could see through the fog, he watched as Brock and the twins staggered to their feet. Landon’s force had knocked them over too.

Brock brushed the loose snow off his jacket. “Well, you’re just full of surprises,” he said as he formed two snowballs just above his out-turned palms.

The Cranes had also gotten back up and were shaking the snow off of their hair and face. Once they’d realized what was going on, they formed snowballs above their hands and stood ready to throw them at Landon once they’d been given the command.

Landon stood with his feet anchored into the ground, preparing himself to deflect the next volley of snowballs as best he could. It was a long shot that he’d survive even for a second now that it was one against three, but he was determined to hear the red team’s horn blast at least once before he was out.

Landon shut his eyes. It might not have been the best idea, but he needed to center himself, and just before opening them again, he heard Dr. Brighton’s voice echo in his head, Be water, my friend.

Landon looked back at Brock and could barely see his face. The snowballs he’d formed had grown to the size of basketballs. Then with a smirk, Brock blasted them at Landon.

Landon didn’t hesitate. He wasn’t sure if Dr. Brighton was coaching him from the sidelines—projecting thoughts into his head—or if his own brain was deciding to help, but Bruce Lee had given him an idea. Landon took a crouching step forward, and then with a motion of his arms, spun the two massive snowballs around his body and directed each of them toward the Crane twins. The snowballs moved at an unbelievable speed. Landon had used the force Brock had launched them with and then gave them a bit of an extra push when he released them.

They were flying at such a speed that even when the twins’ two balls of ice collided with them in midair, they didn’t even slow down. The Cranes never had a chance to defend themselves as the basketball-sized balls of snow met with their torsos, knocking them backward into the wall. The red team’s horn sounded twice.

Brock looked enraged. The whole thing happened in a split second and he was now faced with taking on Landon alone. In his rage, he started forming snowballs as fast as he could and sending them at breakneck speeds toward Landon, who was fighting to deflect them all.

It took all of Landon’s energy to keep up with the onslaught of snowballs Brock blasted at him. He didn’t try to stop them, but instead just deflected them into the air. It was taking less of his energy, but he was fatiguing. The muscles in his shoulders were burning, and his arms felt like jelly. He knew he physically couldn’t hold out much longer, but he just needed to keep it together for a few more seconds for his plan to work.

Brock never stopped, he just fired snowball after snowball as fast as he could form them. Landon would never tell him, but Copyright 2016 - 2024