The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,70

filled with nothing but the sounds of clinking silverware and shifting plates. No one could take a second to talk as they stuffed their bellies with helping after helping of delicious food. After a while, Landon started to hear woeful groans as people reached their breaking points. This was Thanksgiving . . . eat until the thought of another bite is painful and then have at least one piece of pie.

Soon the sounds of active silverware started to wane and the groans of overstuffed students built until Dr. Wells stood up from his seat and requested the attention of everyone in the room.

“Wow, wasn’t that a fine Thanksgiving feast,” he started, talking loud enough so that everyone could hear. “I wanted to express my gratitude to the students of the Gymnasium, who work every day to master their abilities, and to the many professors, tutors, doctors and staff without whom that progress would be impossible.”

Everyone in the cafeteria erupted in applause, but moments later, Dr. Wells motioned for everyone to quiet down.

“And I have an announcement. As many of you have noticed, a blizzard has moved into the valley . . .”

“Oh my God, here it is,” Riley whispered as he leaned toward Landon. He was shaking with anticipation.

“ . . . and according to the experts, it’s expected to continue for the next few days . . .”

Katie Leigh let out a little squeak of excitement and then turned beet red out of embarrassment that someone might have heard.

“So for safety, we are going to be closing all doors that lead into the valley and secure all windows. No one will be allowed to step outside of the Gymnasium’s walls until the blizzard has passed.”

Dr. Wells stopped talking. The whole room was silent, anticipating him to continue speaking, but Dr. Wells remained mute.

“Is that it?” Riley asked, his excitement deflating with every passing moment. “That can’t be it. It just can’t be.”

Landon didn’t know what to say. The disappointment on Riley and Katie Leigh’s face was evident, and Landon couldn’t think of anything that would make them feel better. Celia also sat silently and seemed to look at the ceiling as if attempting to avoid any uncomfortable conversation.

Riley and Katie Leigh weren’t the only ones. Students up and down the tables were starting to voice their discontent. Landon was beginning to fear there might be an uprising if no one intervened. Then Dr. Brighton stood up and turned to Dr. Wells.

“Dr. Wells,” he began with an air of theatrics, “surely you’ve forgotten something.”

“Have I? Oh, yes, I did forget.” Dr. Wells replied inauthentically. The whole room fell silent instantly. “As of eleven this morning, the First Frost Frenzy has been scheduled for a week from this Saturday!”

The room erupted in cheers and applause, the screams melding together and bouncing off the cafeteria walls until they reached a constant, deafening roar. Riley grabbed Landon’s shoulders and shook him violently while screaming at the top of his lungs. Landon couldn’t help but laugh and smile as the contagious joy of his peers consumed him.

“Settle down! Settle down!” Dr. Wells continued. “We still have the team assignments to determine. I imagine there are many theories as to what I will do this year—as there always are. Based on the past few winters, my choice would seem an obvious one, Tables 2 and 4 against Tables 1 and 3.”

Riley and Katie Leigh’s eyes seemed to be bulging out of their heads. Had they accurately predicted Dr. Wells’ assignments?

“However, that’s a little too obvious, so I’ve decided to do something a bit unorthodox—something I’ve never done before. I’m repeating last year’s assignments: Tables 1 and 2 versus Tables 3 and 4.” He said it with a flair of pomp and circumstance, like the ring announcer before a boxing match. “With the talent in this room, I expect it to be a wonderful and thrilling match. And now that the pie is being served, I think it’s time for me to stop talking and for everyone to get to dessert. That pumpkin pie is calling to me. So good luck, happy Thanksgiving, and remember, you are all that is holding you back from reaching your full potential.”

The student body broke off into hundreds of conversations. Some were excitedly talking about their team members amidst high fives; others were talking about how they wished they’d sat at other tables. Riley, in particular, was probably speechless for the first time in his life.

“Well, this is exciting!” Celia Copyright 2016 - 2024