The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,56

Landon had done more than just stop a few books from hitting Riley and him. He’d laid down the gauntlet, challenged Brock Holbrooke through this blatant act of defiance.

Brock’s face returned to its aggravated grimace, and he started to walk toward Landon and Riley. The twins followed suit, walking a pace behind their leader. Raising his arms and widening his stance, Landon tensed up and entered into the starting position Dr. Brighton had taught him. He anticipated a flying fist or swift kick to come at him, for which he would need to defend himself, but Brock and his minions just walked by, heading toward the exit.

“We’ll settle this later,” Brock said just before passing through the doorway. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.”

Once Brock and the twins disappeared through the door, Katie Leigh’s body released and fell in a heap onto the floor. Without blinking, Riley darted over to her and attempted to comfort her and make sure she was okay.

“I’m all right. I’m all right.” Katie Leigh rose to her feet and pushed Riley away. She instantly started to tweak and flatten her clothes, attempting to collect herself from the ordeal. After pressing a final unruly crease out of her shirt and releasing an audible huff, she looked like her usual pristine self.

“That was embarrassing,” she said, nonchalant. “And Landon, I’m impressed. It would appear that since Riley’s and my little breakfast altercation, you’ve improved dramatically. It seems your sessions with Dr. Brighton have been enlightening, to say the least. I’m very happy for you, but I really must be going. I—”

“Hold up, Katie,” Riley interrupted. “You need to tell us what happened.”

“No time right now, Riley. I have to be getting back to . . . to my studies. We can talk more tomorrow at breakfast.”

Katie Leigh bolted straight for the door and left Riley and Landon standing in the Library, confounded by her strange behavior after what had just transpired.

“That was weird,” Riley said once he’d returned to Landon’s side.

“What can you do?” Landon replied while keeping his eyes on the now clear doorway.

• • • • •

“I mean she didn’t even say ‘thank you,’” Riley said through a mouthful of French toast. “And now we’re doomed to be outsiders. There’s no way around it. We’re doomed.”

When they left the Library, Riley was overflowing with excitement to the point that he flew around Landon, darting from side to side, performing exaggerated reenactments of the heart-pumping “fight” to every person they came across. He was a consummate showman, regaling each with a consistent, exuberant routine, never missing a single detail of their valiant rescue of Katie Leigh. Landon laughed to himself when he pictured Katie Leigh erupting into a fit of rage and punching Riley in the eye if she ever heard him call her a “damsel in distress.”

By that night, Riley had drawn a crowd. The women of the Gymnasium couldn’t seem to get enough of the story. It was understandable, as not much in the way of teenage intrigue happened in the facility, so they circled around Riley as he provided another repeat performance of the story in the Rec Center. Riley seemed to love the attention—he basked in it.

However, now that it was breakfast, Riley’s sentiments on the event appeared to have changed. With a night to sleep on it, he seemed to realize with utter anxiety that they may have destroyed their slim chance at popularity in one foolish moment of valor.

“I mean, what were we thinking? It’s Brock Holbrooke! We’re doomed!”

Riley’s worried ramblings over their perceived social suicide had started the instant they met up in the cafeteria, and they hadn’t stopped yet. It didn’t much matter, though, because Landon wasn’t listening. He’d nod and attempt to express the appropriate amount of horror at their new social plight, but his mind was on other things. It’d been three months since he’d come to the Gymnasium, and yesterday was the first time he’d ever managed to use his abilities without concentrating on it first.

“Good morning, gentlemen,” Katie Leigh said in a somewhat bubbly manner as she sat down beside Landon. She seemed back to her normal self, but Landon noticed a look in her eye that said much more than her words.

She seemed grateful. Katie Leigh’s intellectual prowess made her much too proud to acknowledge ever needing help, and to add insult to injury, Riley, her least favorite person for the past month, was one of her rescuers. For her to say Copyright 2016 - 2024