The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,51

said to himself.

“What was that?” Dr. Brighton asked.

“This place . . . Have we gone down the rabbit hole or something? This place is like Wonderland.”

Dr. Brighton laughed slightly and then said, “Yes, it is a wondrous place, hidden away for only those who know where to find it. An escape for when the world becomes too much to handle.”

Landon realized the importance this place had for Dr. Brighton. He looked at him with a sense of understanding. This was Dr. Brighton’s Library, his fortress of solitude, as books were Landon’s. This place was personal and private, and he had let Landon into his sanctuary.

They crossed the garden slowly; Landon took in every detail of the place. Once at the pagoda, Dr. Brighton ushered Landon into the structure, but not without having him remove his shoes before entering. The inside surprised Landon, for it looked like an empty room. The walls were made of wood and there were numerous windows bathing the interior in natural light, but there wasn’t a single bit of furniture. It was just a large, bamboo-floored, empty room with a staircase in the back corner.

“So let us get started. Please sit down,” Dr. Brighton said as he slid the shoji-screen closed behind him. Landon dropped to the floor, sitting with his legs crossed. “I noticed something the other day when you were swimming in the lake that I hadn’t seen since you arrived.”

Landon looked at him, a bit unnerved. Had Celia’s lie not been enough to convince Dr. Brighton?

“When you were playing with Celia Jackson, you were smiling.”

“Excuse me, sir?” Landon asked, confused.

“Yes, you were smiling. For the first time since you arrived here, you looked happy, and”—Landon’s eyes followed the professor as he paced around the room—“I noticed something else. . . . You were using your body.”

Landon cocked his head to the side, even more confused.

“I think I know what we can do to unlock that power that’s bottled up within, Landon. Orison Marden said that, ‘Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.’ We’re going to awaken those ‘slumbering powers.’” Dr. Brighton stopped, walked over to Landon and sat down in front of him. He looked at Landon with excitement in his eyes but didn’t continue to speak.

“Can you elaborate?” Landon asked after they sat looking at each other without talking for a few minutes.

“Of course. First, the smiling. You have made progress since you arrived, but your abilities aren’t the problem—it’s you. Something’s holding you back, and I believe that when you were playing in the lake, for the first time since your apocratusis, you completely let go. You were having fun.

“If we can figure out what that thing is, that thing that’s blocking you, I think your natural instincts will take root and your problems will wash away. It is just a theory, but I think it will be a good one to explore.

“Second, the body. Now, I have been at the Gymnasium for nearly thirty years, first as a student and then as a teacher. In that time, I have seen many students work to control their gifts. In teaching, they say there are different learning styles. Some are visual learners; they must see it to understand it. Others learn audibly, and some even learn through touch, by doing. I think the same holds true for telekinesis and our abilities. Let me explain.

“Some people are naturals. They possess . . . a clarity of mind. It is rare. They simply command the world around them as if it were their own arms and legs. Now, this clarity can be learned over time, but the ones who possess this skill initially tend to have less strength. Historically, with increased strength, our abilities become more volatile and difficult to control. They are temperamental and overwhelming, requiring intense training to master . . . so logically those weaker in their abilities can find it easier to control them.

“Others are vocal. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve watched who can only use their telekinetic abilities if they blatantly say what they need to happen. Some of them are even in your training session, but I wonder if you’ve heard them over your huffs and puffs.” Dr. Brighton took a brief pause and smiled at Landon. “They eventually move to whispering their commands, but even still, they have to say it Copyright 2016 - 2024