The Search for Artemis - By P. D. Griffith Page 0,34

his shirtsleeve, trying to block out the oppressive weight of the crowd closing in around him.

He searched for a break in the mass of bodies, but there was no exit in sight. He was like the ring-bearer on Weathertop, dark riders closing in, but just as all hope of getting away seemed lost, a mysterious ranger appeared.

Without as much as a word, the man grabbed Landon by the forearm and led him out of the riotous crowd, dragging him like luggage when rushing to catch a flight.

“Wait. What’s going on?” Landon asked as he struggled to remain on his feet. “I didn’t do anything. I swear I don’t know where that picture came from.”

His rescuer, or kidnapper, was noticeably older than the students. He had a tall and lean, but muscular, build, like a soccer player, and wavy dark hair that wisped behind him. It looked just long enough for a ponytail.

It wasn’t until he pulled Landon well away from the cafeteria that he spoke. “Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble. I’m Dr. Aldous Brighton. I teach Telekinetics here. I’m sorry for the forceful removal, but I could see they were getting a bit out of control and thought you needed to get away. You’ve managed to make quite an impression on your first official day at the Gymnasium.”

“Thanks.” Landon let out a sigh of relief. “I guess my hope to go unnoticed is totally shot.”

“You could say that.” Dr. Brighton smirked. “Anyways, I believe your first training session is with me in just about a half hour, . . . and I was heading over to the training room. You can join me if you want. I can’t imagine you wanting to rejoin the vultures back there.”

Landon looked back for a brief moment before replying, “I think I’ll come with you.”

“Sounds good,” Dr. Brighton said as he motioned for Landon to walk beside him.

Landon hoped that since he left the cafeteria and was being escorted by a professor that the attention would cease, but the journey from the cafeteria to the training room provided no respite. Every bystander’s gaze remained fixed on him as they whispered with their companion. Some of them had the courage to walk straight up to him and tell him how excited they were to hear about what he would do in his first training session and that they never would have guessed from his appearance that he’d be capable of such lifting ability. One somewhat attractive girl even came up and simply whispered her dormitory room number in his ear and left, skipping flirtatiously down the hallway.

As the girl turned the corner, Dr. Brighton laughed to himself when he saw Landon’s perplexed expression.

“Sorry about all of this. Not many get to capture moments like the one you had in the street on camera. It has turned you into somewhat of a celebrity overnight. The whole Gymnasium has been talking about it all morning.”

“How did they even get that picture though?” Landon asked.

“I’d imagine Katie Leigh found it online,” Dr. Brighton answered. “Students aren’t supposed have access the Internet. It’s just a precaution. I hope you understand that we can’t run the risk of a student accidentally giving the location of the Gymnasium away by harmlessly chatting and posting to websites. But Katie’s got a knack for bypassing the permissions. What you did when that photo was taken is quite impressive, you know?”

“But I don’t even know how I did that,” Landon returned. “I still don’t know how any of this works.”

“Don’t worry. ‘Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength, which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there.’ Marcus Aurelius.” Dr. Brighton turned toward Landon only to see a confused, blank expression. “You’ll be able to feel it,” he continued. “You have unbelievable potential; you just have to find it.”

“You are all that is holding you back from your full potential,” Landon recited while trying to deepen his voice to sound like Dr. Wells. But how can I meet my potential if I don’t even know what I’m looking for.

“Please tell me I’m not sounding like him,” Dr. Brighton said, sounding genuinely concerned.

Landon turned to him to find Dr. Brighton smiling. Landon couldn’t help but smile back. I think I’m going to like this class, Landon thought.

The two walked silently for the remainder of their trip to the training room. Right outside the door, Dr. Brighton turned to Landon and grabbed him by the shoulders, crouching down to Copyright 2016 - 2024