SEAL's RESOLVE - Rebecca Deel Page 0,4

in place for ten minutes longer. How often did the kidnappers search the perimeter? The mission clock in his head reminded him that Kristi’s safety margin was running out. If Stewart had hired Fortress Security to rescue his daughter, he wasn’t planning to pay the ransom. That left only five hours to come up with a series of plans and free Kristi.

Still no movement. Time to move. Rafe needed to get Kristi off Hart Mountain.

He remained in the safety of the tree line as he circled the clearing to reach the dark end of the cabin. With no sign of the guard returning for another perimeter check, Rafe slid off his pack and set it behind a tree to retrieve after he freed Kristi. He checked his weapon and slid a Ka-Bar into the scabbard he strapped to his thigh.

Rafe searched for the best approach and, after choosing his route, crossed the clearing to the cabin, utilizing the meager cover available. When he reached the cabin’s wall, Rafe peered around each corner to confirm no guards were in sight.

Male laughter came from the other end of the cabin. A door closed. More male laughter, this time louder.

Rafe glanced around for cover. The only hiding place was the bush ten feet away. With silent steps, he hurried to the bush and slid between the plant and the wall, careful not to let the shrub brush against his clothes and give away his presence.

Male voices drew near. “Think the old man will pay up?” Guard One asked.

“He knows what will happen if he doesn’t,” Guard Two answered. “Stewart has the money. Five million bucks is pocket change to him, and he adores his daughter. He’d be stupid not to pay to get her back.” Contempt filled his voice.

“What if he calls the cops?”

“He won’t. Have you seen anything out here?”

“Nope. This place gives me the creeps. There ain’t nothing out here but trees and more trees. I heard black bears and wolves roam the woods, too.”

“That’s the point, man. If the woman gets loose, she won’t have anywhere to run. The pampered society princess won’t survive out here.”

A snort. “She’s trussed up like a turkey. I don’t think we got anything to worry about. She’s not going anywhere.”

“She’s smart. Don’t underestimate her.” The two guards passed Rafe and kept going.

At least Kristi was still alive. If she was unhurt and able to maneuver under her own steam, so much the better.

Once the men went back inside the cabin, Rafe eased from his hiding place and returned to his target window. He waited. Sure enough, seconds later, a dim light shone in the room, then went out again. He heard the muffled sound of a door closing.

He stayed in place another two minutes, waiting. At the two-minute mark, Rafe tried lifting the window. Locked. He grabbed his Ka-Bar, pried open the lock, and raised the window. He waited, but no sound came from inside the room or the rest of the cabin occupants.

Grasping the ledge, Rafe pulled himself up enough to peer inside the room. A woman sprawled on her back was tied hand and foot to the bed frame. Moonlight illuminated Kristi’s face. She appeared to be sleeping and was alone.

He frowned. Had the kidnappers drugged her? If so, rescuing Kristi would be more complicated, especially since he was working alone for the moment.

Rafe hoisted himself over the ledge, landing in a crouch, alert and ready for trouble. Now came the tricky part.

He approached Kristi’s bedside. Rafe didn’t have time to rouse her gently. The guards could return at any time. While he could take on several men at one time, the odds of Kristi being injured by accident were too high for his comfort.

Rafe clamped his hand over Kristi’s mouth.


Rafe easily controlled Kristi’s struggle to get away from him. He bent until his mouth was close to her ear. “It’s Rafe Torres. Your father sent me.”

Kristi’s eyes widened. Her muscles relaxed as she focused on his face.

“You with me?” he whispered.

A slight nod.

“I’m lifting my hand. If you scream, the kidnappers will come.”

Another nod.

Hoping she was awake enough to cooperate, Rafe eased the pressure from her mouth, then removed his hand entirely.

“How did you find me?” she whispered.

“Escape first. Explanations later.” He straightened and unsheathed his Ka-Bar. Ignoring her soft gasp, Rafe sliced through the rope binding her hands and feet to the bed frame. Kristi wore jeans and running shoes. Excellent. Her clothing would help protect her while they Copyright 2016 - 2024