SEAL's RESOLVE - Rebecca Deel Page 0,38

that, I’d go after your brother for letting Rio mistreat you.”

That brought a laugh and a pat on Jon’s arm. “Rio treats me like a princess.”

Jackson, then Cal kissed Darcy on the cheek in greeting.

Rafe escorted Kristi up the stairs. “Hello, beautiful.”

“Rafe!” Darcy hugged him. “I’ve missed you. Who’s your friend?”

“Kristi Stewart. Kristi, this is Darcy Kincaid, Rio’s better half.”

“Welcome, Kristi,” Darcy said. “Come inside while Wolf Pack brings in your bags.”

Her cheeks burned, feeling more frumpy and wrinkled by the minute. “I don’t have anything with me.”

“I should have realized. Kidnappers are so inconsiderate, aren’t they?” Darcy smiled as she motioned for Kristi to follow her inside the house.

The first thing she noticed was the large black piano in the living room. “The piano’s gorgeous. Do you play?”

“I do. Come into the kitchen while Wolf Pack grabs their gear. Would you like something to drink?”

“Water is fine.”

“Rio should be home soon. He stopped by the diner to pick up dinner. He didn’t want me to cook after being on my feet at the deli today.”

Kristi sat at the table. “You work at a deli?”

“I own the deli. If you visit That’s A Wrap, I’ll show you around.”

“I’d like that. Cute name. What do you serve?”

“Breakfast and lunch wraps. We leave the dinner crowd to Delaney’s Diner.” Darcy set a glass of water in front of Kristi. “Rio installed a reverse osmosis system under the kitchen sink.” She nudged the glass closer. “See what you think.”

Kristi sampled the water, surprised at the fresh taste. “I can’t taste chemicals in the water. What’s so special about the reverse osmosis system?”

“Eleven stages of filtration make it easy for your body to absorb and use the water.”

“I need a reverse osmosis system for my own home. This is great.” The system would be well worth the cost because of the amount of water she drank daily.

“Ask Rio about it when he arrives. He can tell you what kind we use.” Darcy drained her own glass of water and set it to the side. “We look like we’re about the same size. I’ll lay two changes of clothes on the bed in your room. Would you like a t-shirt to sleep in?”

Rafe walked into the kitchen as Darcy finished her question. “I’ll give her one of mine.”

Speculation lit the other woman’s eyes as she studied Rafe’s face, then Kristi’s flaming one. “Are female hearts breaking all over town, Rafe?”

“I don’t know about that, but I’m off the market.”

“Oh, man. Weeping and wailing will commence as soon as word gets around. Who’s the lucky woman?” Darcy’s gaze returned to Kristi, her eyes twinkling.

Kristi smiled. “I am.”

“Congratulations to you both. How long have you been dating?”

“A few hours,” Rafe answered.

Darcy stared a moment, then burst into laughter. “You don’t let grass grow under your feet when you decide you want something.”

“Rio snatched you up within hours of meeting you despite your brother’s threats to take him down. I’ve known Kristi for a few years.”

“I’m glad you wised up, then.”

Kristi’s gaze shifted to Rafe. His interest in her had more to do with availability than wisdom. Rafe wasn’t in a committed relationship with Callie now. She sighed. Kristi still missed her friend.

The rest of Wolf Pack entered the room, drawing Kristi’s thoughts away from the past.

Darcy smiled at the black ops team. “The kitchen’s open, guys. Rio will be here soon with dinner. I have soft drinks, water, and iced green tea.” At their groans, she laughed. “I also have coffee in the cabinet. You can make a pot. If you want regular iced tea, I can make some for you.”

“Don’t go to any trouble, Darcy.” Jackson gave her a one-armed hug. “We can fend for ourselves. You should get off your feet, though.”

She patted his arm. “I’m fine, but thanks for the concern. I’ll return after I find clothes for Kristi.”

When Darcy left the kitchen, Kristi turned to the medic. “Is Darcy sick?”

“She has an autoimmune disease. Rio keeps close tabs on her to make sure Darcy doesn’t overdo it. When his team is deployed, the other operatives in town watch out for her as do the wives of his teammates.”

“How can I help?” She might be tired after her ordeal, but that was nothing compared to fighting your own immune system all the time.

Rafe cupped her shoulders. “We’ll all help Darcy.”

The front door opened. Rafe drew his weapon and three members of Wolf Pack formed a wall in front of Kristi while Cal stepped to Copyright 2016 - 2024