SEAL's RESOLVE - Rebecca Deel Page 0,110

his head. “If I think of anything, Jake or Jackson will take care of it for me.”

“Happy to,” Jake said. “We’ll watch over him, Kristi.”

“Thanks.” After kissing her father, Kristi held out her hand to Rafe. “Let’s go get Oliver.”

Although Rafe believed all the players in Ward’s scheme were behind bars or in the morgue, he remained alert until he drove onto the grounds of PSI.

He parked near the S & R training facility and walked with Kristi into the building. A joyful bark rang out, and Oliver raced toward Kristi.

“Oliver!” She dropped to her knees and greeted the dog.

“She was worried the dog would forget her,” Rafe murmured to Deke.

“Not a chance. Oliver has moped around the training facility and my house since you two left town.” He turned to Rafe. “Everything is settled now?”

He nodded. “The man who wanted to marry Kristi for her trust fund was behind her kidnapping and her father’s.”

Deke’s eyebrows rise. “He wanted her money but not her?”

“He owes money to several casinos in Vegas, and had almost wiped out his own trust fund to stay afloat. He’d also dipped into the hedge fund he was managing.”

A soft whistle. “Rough for Kristi.”

“Ward and his cronies beat her father and shot him. He’ll recover, but he has a long road ahead of him.”

“What about you and Kristi?”

He scowled. “Ward cracked her ribs and hit her.”

“Is he still breathing?” Deke asked wryly.


“You injured?”

“Cracked ribs from a bullet to the vest and sixty stitches in my left arm. I’m fine.”

The trainer laughed. “I can see that. Do you and Kristi have supplies for Oliver?”

He snorted. “We bought out the pet store, and brought enough supplies for two days.”

“Excellent. He’s ready to be part of a family. When will you marry Kristi?”

“If I had a choice, tomorrow. She doesn’t want a long engagement.”

Deke grinned. “How soon are you buying the engagement ring?”

“If you keep her busy this afternoon, I’ll take care of it today.”

“I’ll get her started now.”

“Perfect. Thanks, Deke.”

“Yep. Get her something spectacular. She deserves it.”

She deserved everything, but for now, he’d settle for an engagement ring as beautiful as the woman he loved. Rafe crouched beside Kristi and Oliver. He rubbed the dog’s head, then said to Kristi, “I need to run an errand. Deke will start your training lessons while I’m gone. I won’t be long.”

Kristi smiled, her eyes filled with happiness. “We’ll be fine. See you in a few minutes.” She kissed him and turned to Deke. “Oliver and I are ready to work.”

“Come with me. Since the day is so beautiful, we’ll work outside for a while.” He glanced at Rafe for his approval.

“Sounds like a good plan.” Rafe cupped Kristi’s cheek for a moment. “Have fun, baby.” After a pointed glance at the trainer, he left PSI and drove into Otter Creek.

Two hours later, he strode into the S & R building and smiled at the sound of Kristi’s and Deke’s laughter and Oliver’s barks.

Kristi saw Rafe and grinned. “Come see the trick Oliver learned this week.”

He stopped by her side and brushed his mouth over hers. “Show me.”

“Oliver, sit.”

The dog plopped down, tail wagging.


One paw came up.

Rafe chuckled as he bent and shook Oliver’s paw. “Good boy.”

“He can do two more tricks, too, but we’ll show you those later. Did you finish your errand?”

He nodded, glancing at Deke. “Do you need to work longer with Kristi?”

“Nope. She’s a fast learner. Oliver would enjoy a walk, though. He worked hard while you were gone.”

Rafe held up Oliver’s new leash clutched in his hand. “Thanks, Deke.”

“No problem. I’ll be here for another two hours if you think of questions you want to ask.”

“We’ll check in with you before we go to Rio’s for the night.”

“Good enough.”

Rafe attached the leash to Oliver’s collar. “Come on, Oliver. Let’s go for a walk with Kristi.”

Oliver barked and trotted beside them toward the door.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Rafe asked.

“I had the best time. Oliver is as wonderful as I remembered.” She summarized the information and techniques Deke had taught her. “Oliver is smart, Rafe. Dad’s going to love him.”

He guided her toward a bench on the walking trail. When they sat, Oliver stretched out on the ground in a patch of sunlight. The dog heaved a big sigh.

Rafe took Kristi’s hand in his. She’d already promised to tell him yes when he proposed. He was still uneasy. What if she’d changed her mind? “I love you, Kristi. You’re a miracle to me. I never thought I’d fall in love again, but you captured my heart. Your generosity, kindness, and compassion amaze me. I admire your talent. You make me whole just by being in your presence, and I want to be a better man because of you.”

“Rafe,” she whispered, tears gathering in her eyes. “I love you so much.”

He pulled the diamond solitaire from his pocket. “Enough to marry me?”

She gasped. “Oh, Rafe. The ring is gorgeous.”

“Baby, the ring pales in comparison to you. Will you marry me?”

Kristi leaned in and kissed him. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Soon?” he persisted.

She laughed. “Soon. Lucky for you, I already have my wedding dress made.”

He stilled. “You do?”

“My wedding dress was the first dress I made when I opened Kristi’s Bridal. I hoped to wear that dress when I married the perfect man for me. You’re that man, Rafe. I can’t wait to be your wife.”

“You won’t regret taking a chance on me. I’ll do everything in my power to make you happy.”

“I’ll do the same for you.”

Rafe wrapped his arms around Kristi and hugged her close. He needed to make arrangements for their honeymoon and request time off from Fortress. “How does Hawaii sound for a honeymoon destination?”

“I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“I’ll make the arrangements as soon as you tell me the date for the wedding.”

“I want to talk to Dad and his doctors first, but I think two months from now the weather would be perfect for a small outdoor wedding in my backyard. What do you think?”

“The sooner, the better.” He didn’t want to wait long. Kristi would be required to testify against Hugh and the others. Rafe wanted the right to support her night and day, and didn’t want to be separated from her unless he was on a mission. “You don’t want a large wedding?”

She shook her head. “I want a small, intimate ceremony with our friends and family to help us celebrate a new beginning.”

The perfect description. A new beginning with the woman of his dreams.

About the Author

Rebecca Deel is a preacher’s kid with a black belt in karate. She teaches business classes at a private four-year college outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She plays the piano at her church and runs interference for the family dogs. She’s been married to her amazing husband for more than 30 years and is the proud mom of two grown sons. She delivers monthly devotions to the women’s group at her church and conducts seminars in personal safety, money management, and writing. Her articles have been published in ONE Magazine, Contact, and Co-Laborer. Rebecca completed her Doctor of Arts degree in Economics and wears her favorite Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt when life turns ugly.

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