Sea of Starlight (The Riven Kingdoms #2) - Shari L. Tapscott Page 0,17

the center of attention. It’s an awkward place to be. Rhys sits in a chair near the fireplace, watching me too closely.

Before I begin, I press my hand to my stomach, trying to quell my nerves.

“First, let me say that there need not be secrets between us any longer. Rhys has told me who you are, and I am grateful for your service to Renove.”

Six blank faces stare back at me. After several heavy seconds, Morgan and Aeron share a look. Braith shifts in his chair, looking particularly uncomfortable.

“I know you’ve been to Draegan,” I continue. “I also know you’ve been protecting Renove from the evil that grows there.”

Tryndon flashes his brother a look, but Rhys sits as still as stone, his expression enigmatic yet intent.

“I had trouble accepting it at first,” I admit. “To be honest, I didn’t know Renove had knights. Nor did I know about the darkness that springs from the Chasm. I certainly didn’t know there was a way to cross it.”

The men facing me are so solemn, so still, that I’m struck with a terrible bout of anxiety. My stomach rolls, and I suddenly feel like a princess pretending to be a queen.

As if sensing my nerves, Cabe gives me a reassuring smile. It’s tentative, but it helps.

Clearing my throat, I continue, “When we were separated in the forest, Rhys and I met the witch that Kent spoke of. But she isn’t a witch. She’s a fairy.”

That finally gets a reaction from the men. I’m answered with several exclamations and a few incredulous laughs. Lewis, however, doesn’t look surprised. He turns to Rhys, almost as if he’s waiting for his leader to say something.

When Rhys doesn’t, I press on. “She revealed many things, but there is one matter that is urgent, and that’s why I’ve brought you together. My brother is not dead, as we were told. Braeton has been kidnapped by Draegan’s royal family and is being held hostage there now for unknown reasons.”

The humor and surprise leave the men’s faces. It’s replaced with something I can’t read—something that makes me think I’m foolish for giving in to this hope.

But I saw the fairy heal Rhys. I witnessed the magic myself.

I trust her with this because somewhere deep down, I know she told the truth about Braeton.

“You have been in Draegan. You know it better than any other Renovian alive,” I say. “I’m asking you, as the current heir, to rescue my brother. Come with me into the cursed kingdom, and let’s take back what is ours. Save your future king.”

They stare at me, none of them moving. Finally, a smile flashes across Tryndon’s too-serious face. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “Let me get this straight, princess. You want us to escort you into Draegan? You’re requesting us to take you across the Chasm?”

Aeron snorts and lowers his head, perhaps thinking the idea is ridiculous. The others join him, with brief smiles and smirks passing over their faces.

Except Rhys. He continues to stare at me with that strange expression.

My cheeks heat at their reaction. “I know it sounds impossible, but I would do anything to save my brother. And I think I must be clear. I’m not asking for your help—I’m commanding it.”

Aeron sits back, crossing his arms, his dark eyes on my face. “All right, Your Highness. We’ll take you into Draegan.”


Six shocked knights turn toward their leader.

“Draegan is dangerous, Amalia,” Rhys says, standing as he dismisses the idea. “We’ll go. You will stay here with Gage.”

“Rhys,” Lewis warns, his voice low. “If it is Amalia’s desire, we must obey. It is our duty.”

The others murmur their agreement, immediately standing behind me, making me feel far less foolish.

Tryndon rises and then kneels at my feet, taking my hand. “We will do as you ask, Your Highness.” He flashes his brother a dark look. “Gladly and without question.”

Aeron stands next, kneeling beside Tryndon. “My blade is yours. We will see you safely through the kingdom and reunite you with your brother.”

Braith joins them, then Lewis and Morgan. They swear their allegiance to my mission, accepting it without question.

Cabe hangs back, looking between Rhys and me.

“And what about you, Rhys?” I ask, trying to keep my voice from shaking. “Do I have your allegiance, or will you turn from me and go your own way?”

We stare at each other. I can feel his irritation—it sparks in his dark green eyes. I just took command of his men, and he’s not happy.

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