Sea of Ruin - Pam Godwin Page 0,171

starched, aristocratic mien. His features were scandalously stunning, his lips parting with shuddering grunts, his brows pinched, and his gaze never straying from mine.

He fucked me through two more orgasms before surrendering to his own.

Leaning my head back against Priest, I twitched and shivered through the remnants of bliss. Ashley bent in, catching his breath, his cock still pulsing inside me.

His gaze shifted to Priest, both of them panting, staring at each other that way they did. Then their faces drifted closer, their foreheads coming together, and before I could blink, their mouths collided.

They lifted their arms, reaching, grabbing, with me caught between them. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from their kiss. They inhaled each other, their jaws hard and grinding. Priest wore a day’s worth of rough whiskers, and I heard that stubble scratching against Ashley’s soft skin.

I gloried in it, knowing I would never experience anything so beautifully intimate as this tender, unguarded moment between my pirate and my pirate hunter.

The kiss gradually dissolved with a masculine hum of moans. Ashley gave a lazy thrust of his hips, his superior breeding still hard, charged, and loaded inside me. Behind me, Priest rocked against me, grinding his lust against my backside.

“Are you well?” He kissed my neck.

“Quite satisfied, thank you.”

Hungry, competing cocks threatened to take me fore and aft. But after several minutes of teasing pleasure, they didn’t attempt something so new at such a late hour.

But they certainly satisfied me again.

The next morning, I woke to the sublime sensations of four hands and two mouths idolizing my body. Fingers scattered sensual energy. Arms snaked around me. Palms glided down my front and back, immobilizing my hips. And I felt them. God help me, I felt the hard steely jabs of their lust fore and aft.

Delirious pressure built, channeling all the heat between my legs. Everything ached with restless desire.

Crushed between the marble slabs of two chests, I’d never fathomed waking in such an indecent position, never imagined wanting to remain here forever.

“I want this every day.” I kissed the lips directly in front of me.


“I want all of you at once.” He reached between us and found me wet. “I want your tight, hot cunt. Heavy breasts. Silky legs. And Christ, I want your impudent mouth.”

He kissed me hotly, deeply, as Ashley’s hand crept around from behind and joined Priest’s fingers between my thighs.

Their bodies hardened and gathered against me, pressing in. The combined virility, the feverish hunger, the savage back and forth rocking of their battling hips… I trembled between them, quaking straight to the marrow of my bones.

My flesh came alive with raw, liquefying tingles as they teased me, played with me, and saw to my every need.

Spreading me open, twisting me around, beam over beam, they plundered my body. A pirate in my backside. An English officer down my throat. Stem to stern, they splayed my limbs and stretched every hole, pinning me, fucking me, and filling me with seed.

For hours, I received them. Separately. Two at the same time. Swarthy muscle, heated breaths, men moved in alternating strokes inside me. Ferocious men. Warriors. Friends. Enemies. Lovers.

Their cocks slid together. Their bodies rubbed with friction. Their hands overlapped and tangled, and sometimes, amid the wanton frenzy, their tongues collided in a kiss of dark masculine potency.

But they never showed an inclination to fuck each other. I was their one and only focus.

They set the staggered, frantic rhythm of our unholy trinity while I kissed their mouths, worshiped their cocks, and gasped I love you’s from the depths of my soul.

Afterward, we lay in a sweaty pile of entangled limbs. Every inch of me felt sore. Lovingly used. Happy.

I smiled. Honest to God, I smiled so big and deep my face hurt. It was a smile unlike any that had come before it.

Curling up on my side in Priest’s arms, my back to his chest, I listened to his breaths as he drifted in and out of sleep.

My scarred arm rested across the hard surface of Ashley’s abdomen. He sprawled on his back, staring at the rafters. His cock lay across his thigh, thick and long, even in its flaccid state. Ridiculously gorgeous man.

“When we were in the cottage on Eleuthera…” I circled a finger around the small flat shape of his nipple. “Priest slipped a knife and an orange wedge into your hands, and you knew exactly what to do. Well done on that. The two of you managed to execute a plan, right Copyright 2016 - 2024