Scoundrel of My Heart (Once Upon a Dukedom #1) - Lorraine Heath Page 0,77

argue that being born out of wedlock didn’t present challenges—strong bonds developed between those who helped to see you through.

Standing near the fireplace, watching the camaraderie expressed by the six Trewlove siblings toward each other, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of regret that he’d gone years without experiencing the same regard toward his own brother and sister. It was only of late, when their circumstances had changed for the worse, that he’d come to realize he would willingly die for either of them. Prior to that he’d kept his emotions, dreams, fears, and disappointments to himself. He’d never shared how his father had made him feel useless, overlooked.

But watching the Trewloves, seeing the absolute joy with which they greeted each other, listening to the news they revealed and observing their obvious interest, he knew beyond a doubt that these people confided everything in each other, never fearing judgment. He was glad to see them embracing Althea, ensuring she understood she was now one of them.

“They can be a bit overwhelming at first.”

Griff glanced over at the Duke of Thornley who had married Gillian Trewlove, a tavern owner. It had created scandal at the time—all the marriages had—but Thornley was powerful enough to have weathered the storm and seen his wife accepted by those who would have preferred to shun her. “They’re all so comfortable with each other.”

“Not exactly the way we were brought up to be, is it?”

“Afraid not. Pity that.” He’d been introduced to each of the family members, hadn’t sensed them taking offense by his presence. They were all married now, and Althea had included their spouses’ siblings as well, which resulted in half a dozen lords being in the room. All together, close to twenty people mingled about. “I’m glad they’re making Althea feel as though she is part of their family.”

“It’s one of their strengths. Accepting people for who they are themselves and not for who their parents might be or for their sire’s actions in particular.”

“Not seeing after your bastard is hardly a transgression on equal footing with attempting to assassinate a queen.”

“It is if you’re that bastard.”

Griff grimaced, nodded. “Right you are. After all these months, I’m still struggling to reconcile what he did and continue to view it as a major transgression.”

“It was that. You’ll get no argument from me there. But his transgression shouldn’t be visited upon you. Unfortunately, that’s not the way the nobility always sees things. I would have viewed it the same way before Gillie came into my life. It’s difficult not to reevaluate your viewpoint once you come to know these people. In spite of the unfairness life tossed their way, they’ve all met with success. Say, I hear you have a club now. A sort of matchmaking venue.”

He couldn’t stop himself from grinning. “I got tired of being overlooked at the damn balls. Assumed there were others who felt the same.”

“I wish you much success with it.”

“I apprecia—”

“I’m so sorry we’re tardy.” The raspy voice, the one that haunted his dreams, his memories, had his gut drawing in tight and his side remembering the tenderness of her touch—as though skin had the ability to recall anything. But it was as though he could feel her fingers there again, pressing gently, skimming over the raised welt. What the devil was she doing here? She wasn’t family.

“Nonsense!” Althea said, crossing over to her friend and embracing her. God, Kathryn was more beautiful than any woman had a right to be. She wore yet another gown of green, and he cursed her for that, for the way it made her eyes sparkle emerald. “We were just visiting, catching up. Your Grace, I’m so glad you could join us.”

It was only then that he noticed Kingsland standing beside her. He didn’t want to see them together, but even as he acknowledged the thought, he realized it was for the best. He’d begun to have fantasies in which he imagined the life he’d led wouldn’t turn her away from him if he asked for her hand. That the realities of his club wouldn’t cause matrons to have the vapors, and fathers, recalling the escapades of their youth, not to express disapproval.

Ever the perfect hostess, Althea began making introductions, ensuring everyone knew each other. Thornley left his side to greet the newcomers, and Griff knew that he should do the same—or better yet leave entirely. Simply slip out without being seen or acknowledged, but then Althea was headed his way, the Copyright 2016 - 2024