The Scot's Quest - Keira Montclair Page 0,44

go inside and check on the wee one, Senga’s daughter. The man remerged into the gray day with his bucket, this time with a bairn strapped to his chest, the wee lassie’s chubby face staring out at Derric.

She had a shock of carrot hair that perfectly matched her father’s, and she grinned up at Derric as if she’d known him forever. She looked exactly like her sire, the hair, the skin coloring, even the smile. For a moment, he was at a loss for words. “Cute. What’s her name?”

The man ran his hand across the top of her head, smoothing the red curls down as the bairn kicked her legs and swung her arms wildly. “Senga. I named her for her mother, God rest her soul. You going to fight for the Scots? You ever fight with him before?”

“Aye, I’ve traveled with him for many moons, off and on. When were you there?”

“Not long. I fought with him for about a moon before I was called away. I’d fight with him now, but for this wee lassie. Her mother passed, and I’m the only one she has left. Once spring comes around and she’s a bit older, we’ll join my clan in the Lowlands. If you see King Robert, send him my best. He’s a fair man, a hard-working man, and I surely hope he achieves his goals.”

Derric nodded, looking at the bairn, her wide smile and green eyes glittering with glee. “I’m off to look for him now.”

The lass opened her mouth and let out a roar, as if to tell her father she’d run out of patience. “Sorry I can’t be of more help,” the man said with a chuckle. “Got to get some goat’s milk for the wee lass. Godspeed to you and all of the Scots.”

Derric nodded and left, striding away with purpose.

Now he understood why King Robert had told him that he needed to set eyes on the wee bairn for himself. Senga had been yellow-haired, her locks even lighter than his own, with dancing green eyes that she’d given to her daughter.

That orange-red hair hadn’t come from him.

Not a person in the world would believe the bairn belonged to Derric instead of Guinne.

Derric had no claim on her.

Chapter Fifteen

When Dyna arrived at Clan Grant, she could tell something had, indeed, happened. She saw it in the tension in the stable lads’ shoulders as they saw to their horses. She saw it as she walked through the courtyard, passing several people who were working hard but silently. Clan Grant was usually a happy place, for the lairds provided for and cared for everyone.

She flung the door open with a huff and stepped into the great hall, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Claray’s voice rang out. “Dyna, thank goodness you’re home. You won’t believe all that has happened.”

“Claray! Hold your tongue,” her mother called out.

She made her way over to the crowded trestle table, where her mother and Claray sat with Aunt Kyla, Chrissa, Alick, and Branwen. “What happened?”

Her mother glanced at the others, then said, “Grandsire only spent one night on Cameron land. He left the next day and hasn’t been seen since.”

Dyna lowered herself onto a nearby stool. “I knew something had happened. I knew it.” Her hands played with her plait as she stared at her family. Should she reveal her dream to them?

Her mother gave her that look she hated, the one that was so intense she had a difficult time lying. “Another seer’s dream?”

“Aye, Mama.” She framed her face with both hands, then brought her fingers up to her hairline, attempting to smooth everything back after the windy ride. “I dreamed Grandsire was gone. He was in a cottage somewhere.”

“Where exactly?” Aunt Kyla nudged.

“I don’t know,” she said, placing her hands on the table, forcing them flat so she’d stop fussing. “I’ve tried to pin it down, any details at all, but I keep coming up empty. I only know he’ll be at a cottage.”

“Is he being held captive?” Kyla persisted.

“Aye, he’s sleeping, and I sense he’s a prisoner, but I don’t see anyone else in the cottage and I can’t determine where he is exactly.”

“Papa went after him,” Claray declared, glancing at their mother.

“Your father went to Cameron land to speak with Aunt Jennie. See what she knows. He took a score of guards, and they plan on tracking him.”

Dyna’s head fell into her hands. She was so tired she could barely keep her head up. Copyright 2016 - 2024