The Scot's Quest - Keira Montclair Page 0,42

had his hand on her shoulder and the other had his hand on her arse.

He roared and charged toward them, pounding his fist into the first man’s face. “Leave her be!” He noticed three Grant guards coming to her rescue as well. But they stood back, waiting to see what would happen next.

“Derric, stand down. I can protect myself,” Dyna said, her voice seething. She had the second man in a headlock, and he watched as she twisted him to the ground and put her knee to his chest, bringing her dagger to his throat.

Someone must have summoned King Robert, or else he’d heard the noise, because he hurried toward them bellowing, “There’ll be no killing. I need these men.”

But Derric was in a fury, and even his king’s remark couldn’t stop him. “They touched her and they had no right,” he growled, blocking a retaliatory punch from the first man and slamming him to the ground. He punched him twice, once in the belly and again in the face, then spun around to handle the second man.

There was no need. Dyna still had her dagger at his throat.

“Touch me again, and I’ll cut your sacs while you sleep.” The man didn’t say a word, only gave her a brief nod of agreement. She kneed him lightly in the groin before she stepped away, sheathing her knife. “I don’t need your help, Corbett,” she snapped.

“Are we done with the fighting?” Robert asked.

Derric wiped a hand across his mouth and muttered, “Aye, I’m finished. But tell your men that she’s off limits.”

“’Tis her choice, Corbett, not yours.”

“I’m not interested in anyone here,” Dyna clarified. “They can all keep their hands to themselves. That includes you, Derric.”

She strode away without another word, and the rest of the group scattered except for Robert. The king clapped him on the back. “She’s not welcoming your advances? Is that what has you strung up? If I hadn’t known better, I’d have guessed the lass had you by the bollocks, not Struan. Sorry I didn’t introduce you to some of my new men. Struan is a fine fighter, so please leave him be.”

“Aye, I’m interested in her,” he admitted. “But I didn’t know what the situation was with Senga and the lassie. It left me a bit confused.”

King Robert’s brow furrowed, his expression telling Derric in no uncertain terms what he thought of his explanation. “Why are you still concerned about the bairn? ’Tis as I said, she’s been claimed by her father.”

He shrugged his shoulders, unable to explain his reasoning other than with simple words. “I have to know.”

“Fine,” the king said with a brusque nod. “Guinne lives in the next village with her—less than an hour west. He was a warrior of mine, a good man. Once you see the two of them together, you’ll not question what I told you.”


“Son, you need to see with your own eyes. The next village. Guinne lives with his mother in the last hut. Farthest from the well. But please don’t bother them.”

He wiped the sweat from his face and knew he had to go. He’d talk to Dyna when he returned.

He had to see if he had a daughter.

Chapter Fourteen

Dyna started pacing, trying to process all that had transpired. Derric’s irritating possessiveness. Senga’s death. The possibility that he might still have a child out there.

The dream about Grandsire.

She closed her eyes and massaged her temples, wishing that small action could squeeze out another dream, another vision of the future. Of course it did not. She made a silent plea to the heavens to help her.

Still naught.

The dream haunted her. The worst part had been the feeling of helplessness, the knowledge that only Derric would be able to reach Grandsire. That she would not be able to do anything for either of them. Desperate to get the troubling images out of her mind, she only came up with one thought to distract her.

Derric with his tunic off.

She was still thinking about it, her mind summoning those hard ridges of muscle, when the very man she was imagining approached her from behind, making her jump. “Dammit, you could have warned me.”

“Sorry, Diamond. I’m about to ride west, but I should be back in a couple of hours.

She nodded. “Godspeed. I’ll be here.”

Unable to tear her gaze from him, she watched as he hopped on his horse and left, speaking to no one else. He did look back once, winked at her, then went on his way. She’d do Copyright 2016 - 2024