Scorched by Darkness (Eternal Mates #18) - Felicity Heaton Page 0,9

slammed the flat of her palm against his chest.

Knocking him backwards.

She stilled, her eyes bright, filled with something he couldn’t decipher, but damn it looked a lot like desire.

His pointed ears flared back against the sides of his blue-black hair as that same feeling ran through him and had him contemplating letting her get close to him again so he could grab her and do something unthinkable.

Like kissing her.

His senses sparked, warning him that they were no longer alone as she came at him, as she gracefully pirouetted beneath the fumbling grab he made for her and swept her leg up. He blocked it and glanced at the other end of the alley. Bared fangs at the male demons gathered there. A sudden need to whisk her away from prying eyes shot through him, a fierce demand to be alone with her that he couldn’t deny.

He lunged for her, seized her left arm and teleported.

Landed halfway up a damned mountain in the middle of a blizzard.

Her little gasp delighted his ears, the all too brief flare of panic he sensed in her quickening his blood again to keep the cold at bay.

His eyes rapidly adjusted to the darkness, revealing her as snow swirled around them, catching in her red hair. Goosebumps broke out over her bare skin, there and gone in an instant as her flesh warmed beneath his grip.

She rallied quickly, smashed her free hand into his face and hit him hard enough to rattle his teeth. He blocked her second attempt to relocate his brain, tightened his hold on her wrist and glared at her.

She glared right back at him, her eyes glowing gold in the darkness.

What was she?

If he took a sip of her blood, he might be able to tell. Her blood would give him her powers for a short time, but there was also a danger it would mess with his own abilities, negating ones that were necessary to him.

For example, teleporting.

He didn’t want to be forced to walk down the mountain in a blizzard or risk freezing to death.

His gaze dropped to her throat. Still, it was tempting to have a little taste of her. A vein ticked wildly just above her collarbone, beckoned him and had his head growing hazy, thoughts spiralling together into a blur as hunger rode him hard.

Hartt pulled her towards him.

Against him.

The feel of her breasts pressing against his chest and the soft gasp that left her lips, fanning his face with her warm breath, had him dragging his gaze away from the tempting tick of her vein. He lifted it to lock with hers.

Her eyes sparked with fire as she gazed up into his.

“Tell me your name,” he husked, words he had meant to come out hard and commanding, but had instead come out unsettlingly soft.

“No,” she bit out, clearly not held by the same spell that entranced him.

Her golden irises darkened as her pupils devoured them.

Or maybe she was and she was just fighting it.

She tried to throw him, putting all her slender weight into it and almost managing it. He twisted away from her, wrapped his arm across her throat and hauled her back against his front, pressing them together.

One hell of a mistake.

She was all heat and softness against him, and it placed his mouth dangerously close to her throat. His fangs itched, mouth watering as hunger returned, as it goaded him into biting her.

“What is it you fear?” he murmured into her ear and she trembled, a delicious little shudder that he felt too. “Are you fae? Is your name power?”

It was a possibility. Some fae, such as succubi and incubi, guarded their true name like fiends because those who knew it could command them to do anything.

She growled, reached over her shoulder and grabbed him by his. She leaned forwards, pressing her backside against his groin, and threw him. His back hit the rocky ground and he grunted as snow burst outwards in all directions, some of it landing on top of his legs and arms. She brought her foot down and he rolled, narrowly avoiding being impaled by the pointed heel of her boot. He popped onto his feet and she glared at him as he dusted the snow from his thick tunic and trousers.

“You are not fae.” He looked her over again, circled her as she moved with him, keeping the distance between them steady. “You are something else.”

A flicker of fear crossed her features.


What species feared discovery?

He gazed into her Copyright 2016 - 2024