Schooling the Jock (Nerds Vs Jocks #1) - - Eli Easton Page 0,75

high of pure pleasure forever. Forget school. Forget football. Just fuck Dobbs for all time.

But my balls weren’t going along with my brain’s plan. Too new, too raw, and too overwhelmed with the perfect waves of pleasure. I tried to back off a little to keep us going, but Dobbs wasn’t having it. His head thrashed from side to side, and his hands clutched the bedspread the way his body clutched my cock. The squeeze was too much. My balls tightened, and just in time, I reached between us and cranked Dobbs so he’d have some help over the edge. It only took a little.

By the time I was gasping, “So ready. Gonna—oh shit, gonna—” he preempted me entirely and shot a flood of cum into my hand. Just the feel pushed me past Go, and a bolt of lightning shot from my balls to my brain, burst stars in my head, and cranked one-two-three shots of pure ecstasy from my cock into the rubber inside Dobbs’s perfect ass.

His legs slid off my shoulders, and I collapsed on top of him, blathering, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.”

He cooed, “Ah. About time you got my name right.”

I chuckled. Nothing stopped that mouth.

Kissing softly against his chest, my eyes closed over sleep-deprived eyes.

Fortunately, dried cum on male body hair pinches like mad because somewhere around four a.m. we moved in such a way as to pull our chests apart with enough sting to wake us up.

He lay, snuggled for a few minutes, but then bladders and the mess drove us out of bed and into a very fun early-morning shower. Drop the soap wasn’t possible since Dobbs was way too sore, and I wasn’t stretched, but a bit of sucking coaxed out the last ounce of cum in our systems.

We decided to get back to school. One of us would go to our house and the other, Dobbs, since he had the car, would wait and go directly to class. After repacking our shaving kits and the supplies, we commemorated the moment with a long, slow kiss and then opened the door.

Dobbs walked out and loaded the car while I checked to be certain we didn’t forget anything, like a shoe or underwear. I actually found one of my socks since I’d put on fresh ones after the shower.

Stepping outside, I pulled the door shut, made sure it was locked, and turned. I looked up—and my heart stopped.

Emerging from a room two doors down was Rex fucking Burton, my fucking fraternity brother. Before I could even think, he looked around and saw me.

Oh shit.

Chapter Twenty


My body hummed pleasantly as I warmed up the car. Mmm. That had absolutely been worth spending my mad money on. So good. I’d done anal with only a couple of guys before—my high school boyfriend and one guy I’d dated for a few months sophomore year at Madison. Neither had come close to last night.

The feeling of being with Jesse, the way he looked at me like I was something special, the way he was so tender and sexy in bed—with that ever-ready dick of his. And God, I loved his body. Every inch of it, especially the seven or so that seemed ready formed to peg my prostate every time.

He made sex fun. And…more than fun. Like it meant something. We connected in a way I’d never felt before—deep, real, like we truly saw each other. I sighed contentedly—then yawned.

This ass-crack-of-dawn stuff was getting old though. Maybe someday we’d be at a place in our lives where Jesse didn’t have to get up so early—which meant I wouldn’t have to either. A shared apartment, perhaps. After graduation. Yeah, that was a long way off, but the thought made me smile.

Voices drew me out of my half-asleep daydreaming. I looked up to see Jesse at the door of our room, only he wasn’t alone. He was talking to a couple who were our age. I had one foot out of the car before a shot of unease gripped my stomach.

Too late I recognized the guy. It was Rex, one of the A-hoes who’d been in the dean’s office. He had his arm around a girl, and they both turned to look at me.


“Jesse?” I said, trying to play it cool. I stepped forward like this was business as usual. “We should get going.”

Jesse’s face did something complicated. His complexion went red, and his eyes kind of shrunk and got cagey. “Uh…Dobbs. What the Copyright 2016 - 2024