Schooling the Jock (Nerds Vs Jocks #1) - - Eli Easton Page 0,64

sped up to a full run, he kept trying to yell questions, but mostly he was gasping. Finally, he dropped back to a trot, and I broke into full-speed mode for another mile, and then I turned and ran back to him.

Pulling his face mask up again, he laughed, “I’m running with the fucking Flash.”

“Just remember those words, running back.”

“Which you just did. Run back.” He panted. “Are we going to the gym now? Because I’m about half a block away from dying. And that’s not sarcasm.”

Did that question resonate in my dick as I pictured the first time I saw Dobbs naked in the steam room? Oh yeah. “Let’s go.”

In the gym, we changed into shorts, and I let Dobbs work with Gorzo on developing a lifting program while I pushed my maximum. Gorzo seemed to forgive Dobbs for the last time we’d been there, or maybe he just didn’t remember.

After forty-five sweaty minutes, Gorzo walked over with Dobbs. The big guy said, “The rube did good. He’ll be giving you a run for your money in no time.” He laughed heartily at his own joke.

I glanced at my watch. “I’m done too.”

Gorzo gave Dobbs a slap on the shoulder. “Be sure to get in a steam. Don’t want those muscles seizing up on you.” He laughed again and walked away.

Dobbs and I met eyes and, without a word, walked directly to the locker room. He’d joined the gym and gotten a permanent locker since our first visit, so he was across the locker bay from me. I wouldn’t say I was purposefully ogling him, but I just might have noticed that he had a heart-shaped birthmark on his very fine ass cheek.

With a towel wrapped around his waist and another thrown over his shoulder, he sauntered past me. “Gotta do what my personal trainer says.” Since there was no one else close, he gave a little wiggle, and I snapped my towel at him.

I allowed him enough time to get into the steam room so no one would see us go in together and then stood and made my way to the wet area. Opening the door, I got that comforting woosh of hot steam pouring out, so I stepped inside fast and closed the door behind me.

The steam was so thick I couldn’t even make out shapes, but the end of a towel flicked through the haze, and I followed it. Dobbs was tucked into a corner on the upper seat where the steam was thickest. I slipped in next to him and put my lips close to his ear. “Is anyone else in here?”

He held one finger close to my face, then mouthed, “I think.”

As if we’d planned the move, I lay my towel across my lap, and he did the same. We both slid hands under the towels, and I grabbed his already half-masted dick while he wrapped his long fingers around mine. Clearly uppermost in both of our minds was the fact that we only had minutes if we were lucky before the steam went off and the thick mist began to clear. As if someone flipped a switch, we both started cranking cock like we were digging for gold. I would have laughed, but it felt so freaking good, my eyes rolled back in my head, and I prayed the loud hiss of the steam covered my heavy breathing.

Exhibiting zero finesse, but tons of resolution, I circled my thumb over his leaking head while I jerked him like a madman. That gave him ideas, and he copied my move. Then I just gritted my teeth and drove toward orgasm—his and mine. As I got close, I pushed my other hand under the towel and wrapped it around his hand and my dick, increasing the speed to the rate that would do it for me. In seconds, my gasps replaced my breathing, and I forced my lips closed as my head felt like it grew three times larger and my balls exploded. Oh God, the Dobbs effect. My whole body shivered in ecstasy.

He softened his jerking as cum filled his hand and then wrapped his hand around mine in his lap and pumped himself. Just as the first shot of his jizz, hotter than the steam, hit my palm, the steam spray went off and in the sudden silence, I heard, “Ohhh.”

Shit. A bolt of panic sliced through my pleasure. I said, all cool and casual, “Hey, man, you okay?”

He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Copyright 2016 - 2024