Schooling the Jock (Nerds Vs Jocks #1) - - Eli Easton Page 0,15

Why don’t you take one of the two positions?”

A flash of uncertainty crossed PJ’s face and then was replaced by the usual snarky grin. “Sure. Anything those nerds can do, I can do better.”

Some of the guys made jeering noises, but I had to admit, the dude was sharp in a conniving, make-things-better-for-PJ kind of way. Truthfully, he was great looking too with his shaggy air and rangy, fit body, but I didn’t even like to let my brain go there. Hell, he was my roommate.

Tray leaned over and whispered something to Rand who nodded. “We think you should take the second-string position, PJ. Since you’re a sophomore and all.”

He shrugged carelessly.

Rand turned, and too late to run, I felt his laser gaze on me. “And we think you should be the first-string, Jesse.”

“Me?” It came out as a squeak. I cleared my throat. “No way, man. I’ve got too much on my plate as it is.”

They pulled out the big guns. Tray said pleadingly, “Please, Jesse. You’re crazy smart, level-headed, and you already know something about Quiz Bowl. Right? It’s so perfect.”

Rex nodded. “Hell, you’re in the BSN program, man. I can’t even spell most of the shit you study.”

Rand said, “No one else in the house is even close.”

I couldn’t stop shaking my head. My being in the BSN program wasn’t about how intelligent I was. I was going into nursing because I couldn’t imagine not at least trying. “And that’s the reason I can’t. Come on, guys, I still have to keep up my conditioning, and if my grades drop, my scholarship’s toast.”

“I bet Quiz Bowl makes you smarter?” Bubba stared at me with his big eyes. Hmmm. Maybe Bubba wasn’t as dumb as he pretended to be.

“But it takes time, Bubba. More than I’ve got.”

Tray turned in his chair, leaned on his knees, and faced me. “The Poins all do Quiz Bowl, and they have the highest grade-point averages in the school. You’re off football until summer. I know it’s a lot to ask, bro, but we need you.”

Shit. I was a sucker for my BF.

“And you can practice with PJ since you room together.” Tray’s face lit up like that was a good thing.

I glanced at PJ, who gave me his off-center grin. Challenge? Definitely.

But I didn’t want to take on another big commitment. I liked the off-season quiet, thank you very much. Liked it when I didn’t have to deal with many people. And doing Quiz Bowl would require spending a lot of time with the Poins. They were worse than people.

Dobbs’s face came into my mind—those full lips in the middle of some insult, that cocky smirk. No way did I want to have to be around Dobbs and his judgmental snark.

I took a breath with the big, fat no hovering on my lips. “Okay. What the fuck. I’ll do it.” It took me a moment to realize the person who’d said that was me.

The second the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them, but all the guys cheered. Total deterrent to a backing-out move.

PJ leaned back, all relaxed and cool in his chair. “So, which of the Poins do I have to endure to do this huge favor for the chapter?” Oh yeah, leave it to my roomie to milk the maximum IOU out of the situation.

Rand shrugged. “I don’t know for sure. Jax, probably.” His lip curled. “Pretentious dick. I think most of the other guys participate in some way. There’s the tall, skinny, dark-haired one with the mouth for days.”

Tray nodded. “Right. Dobbs. He’s the captain of the Quiz Bowl team.”

Because of course he was. Dear baby Jesus, I was screwed.

Chapter Six


We held our first meeting of the new, and definitely not improved, Quiz Bowl team that Thursday night. I was feeling resentful and bitter about it before I even went downstairs, which I knew would only make things worse. I tried to put my prejudice aside and have an open mind. I was the Quiz Bowl captain, and being an asshole in front of the new guys wouldn’t make the situation any better. If I’d learned nothing else from Jax, it was that doing the whole rah-rah spirit thing actually worked. Some of the time, anyway.

I was particularly annoyed because we’d been told the two A-hoes who’d been assigned to us were a sophomore named PJ and…Jesse Knox.

I’d been pissed. When had the universe put a Kick Me sign on my back, and what had I done Copyright 2016 - 2024