Scandalous Scotsman - M.J. Fields Page 0,47


She holds her hand to her chest and mouths, “She’s so sweet.”

“Can we get ice cream?”

“Of course, a sheòid, of course.”



After half an hour of Tonya telling me all about Ethan and her discussions throughout the week, she asks, “So, what are you going to do?” She takes a sip of her wine.

Looking out of the corner of my eye toward Ethan’s house, I shrug.

“By blocking him, you’ve closed off communication.”

“And stopped the crazy amounts of texts he sends, stopping myself from saying something I can’t take back, preparing for a much-anticipated start to a normal life, one I don’t have worry as much.” I stop because I’m going to cry.

Seeing that, Tonya gets up from her chair, walks over, and hugs me.

“You’re going to make me cry.”

“Sometimes that’s what we need.”

Arph! Arph! Arph!


“He’s okay. Scotch.”

“Why me?” I whisper and pull back.

Being the friend she is, Tonya stands in front of me and blocks me just enough so that I can wipe the tears and not be seen doing so.

When I hear the tapping of tiny toenails on my porch stairs, I know this is unavoidable.

“Wizard mode,” Tonya whispers.

“Are my eyes red?” I whisper back.


When Tonya steps out of the way, I squat down and give Scotch a couple scratches behind his ears. Then I look out and see Ethan in running gear, but with a tank top on this time. Nonetheless, it’s jaw-dropping and tingle-inducing. He’s squatting down next to Kai, who is fidgeting as she stands next to a cute, pink bike with training wheels. He stands up and takes her hand, and then they walk toward the steps.

“Hey.” I smile at Kai and her head snaps up at the sound of my voice. She looks confused but does the lip thing that is absolutely precious.

“Sorry about the intrusion,” Ethan says in a very paternal voice. “Seems Scotch likes yer porch better than the run.” He walks onto the porch, over to Scotch, and squats down. “Ye should leave Ms. Bloom and Ms. Townley be, boy.”

“Do you need a leash?”

“Been seriously considering that.” He lifts his head and looks at me. “Ye think that’ll keep him where he’s meant to be, Ms. Bloom?”

Holy shit.

Look away.




“Kai, do you think he needs a leash?” I ask her.

She lifts her shoulders and, with them, her palms.

“Do you think he’d like red or blue better?”

She gnaws on her lip and looks between Tonya and myself, then at Ethan.

“Um … A matching one?”

“Oh my goodness, I bet he would love that.” I smile big and bright.

She nods and looks back down.

“Still rocking the shades, I see.”

She smirks.

Just like her daddy.

Way cuter.

“I think he may be thirsty,” Tonya interjects. “How about you and I go inside, Kai, to get him a drink?”


Kai looks at Ethan.

“I’m right here, and you ken Ms. Townley, so go right ahead, a sheòid.”

Tonya extends her hand to Kai. “Let’s get him hydrated.”

Once they’re inside, I look everywhere but at Ethan. However, he reaches out and turns my face toward him. I quickly realize Tonya isn’t the only traitor; so is my willpower.

“Thank ye for what ye did for Kai the other day. Meant a lot to her.”

“Did she tell you what happened?”

“Aye, she cried.”

And immediately, tears burn the back of my eyes again.

“She also smiled when she talked about her friend.” He points at me. “I ken we’re on limited time here before we’re interrupted, but I miss yer face, Elizabeth Bloom. If ye can’t see past me withholding the text messages, understanding why I did so, and believing my intent was never to feel this way, nor to ever fucking hurt a heart like yers, m’eudail. If all I can be to ye is your friend, I’d like to be that.”

I close my eyes and inhale the scent of him, and relish the feel of his hand on my face. Pushing into its warmth, I nod. Then I feel his forehead press against mine, and I open my eyes.

“Then we’ll be friends until ye let yerself believe in the magic ye teach.”

“Ethan …” I begin.

“I may not believe in magic, Elizabeth Bloom, but our chemistry is undeniable, and fate isn’t something ye can ignore.”

I step back when I hear Tonya’s voice coming closer.

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a black box.

“Oh my God, what are you—”

“Relax.” He chuckles as he takes my hand, opens it, and puts the box inside, closing my hand around it.

“Ethan, I—”

“Didn’t ask to be on the receiving end of those messages, Copyright 2016 - 2024