Scandalous Scotsman - M.J. Fields Page 0,25

ye should stay in bed, just like this all day.”

If staying in bed just like this means him staying in it with me, it will now top my bucket list, which means I have to start one.

“I have a very long list of things to do today.” I smirk inwardly.

He looks back at me as I sit up. “Do ye not ken the meaning of takin’ it easy, woman?”

I lean forward and nudge him with my shoulder as I reach for his beautiful manhood. “Very long.”

“As much as I’d love nothing more than to see yer lips around me tadger, I think breakfast is in order.”


“My cock, m’eudail,” he says, getting up off the bed, taking with him … his tadger.

When he bends down, grabbing his shorts then his tee-shirt, I try to memorize every inch of his body in case it’s the last time I see it in all its naked glory.

“Gonna go grab some breakfast.” He steps into his shorts. “Ye should soak yer gash.”

“My what?”

“Yer bruised cu—”

“Yes, yes, of course.”

“Well, let’s get on with it, shall we?”

I wait until I hear the front door shut, all the while hoping he would stay and mark box number one off my bucket list, to run water in the tub. I laugh at myself when I realize I’m not a list person. Even in college when my professors handed out a syllabus, I would somehow doodle on it until I could barely read the copy. It was a good thing each professor also had one available online.

While waiting for the bath to fill, I wonder about his penis. Well, mostly about how giving him head would work since he’s au naturel. I make a mental note to find out.

After a long soak in the tub, my “gash” feels less bruised and battered but achingly empty. I’ve never felt that before— the emptiness. Well, not in that area, anyway.

I step out and hear my phone playing “Best Friend” and can’t help smiling, excited that for once, I have 155 mg of cold brew to spill.

When I walk out into the bedroom, my phone has stopped ringing, and it’s not on the nightstand.

When it starts again, I hear it coming from the kitchen.

“I could have sworn I’d left it in—”

“Aye, but she’s taking a soak.”

I cover the gasp about to come out of my mouth when I realize he’s here, still in my house and answering my phone.

He continues, “Aye.” Pause. “Tonya, not real difficult to remember, but if ye’d like me to jot it down, I will.”

He pauses, and I peek around the corner as he starts taking groceries out of a reusable bag— eggs, sausage, milk …

Groceries, reusable bag, a hot, amazing lover, single dad— she is my everything— and swoon.

As a lump forms in my throat, I figuratively bat away the emotions causing it.

“I’ve plans this evening, but I’ll let Elizabeth ken.” Pause. “Aye.” Then he takes the phone away from his ear—my phone—sets in on the counter, hits “end call,” and continues emptying the bag.

Tightening my towel, I watch him as he stalls his movement, as if he senses something, and looks up at me.

“You took one hell of a soak, Elizabeth.” He nods toward the stool across the island. “Come sit.”

“You’re making me breakfast?”

“Ye can’t live on wine, expired salads in plastic take-out containers, and ice cream.”

I can’t help smiling.

“Should have stayed in a bit longer, and I’d have had this made, but since ye’re here ye’re gonna have to help me out.”

“I’ll warn you, I’m not good in the kitchen.”

He chuckles. “I presumed.”

“Let me get dressed, and you can teach me.”

“I’d rather ye not.”

“Not help you?”

“Not get clothed.”

Desire fills me immediately, and I swallow it back as I walk toward him.

He pushes a cup of coffee across the island. “It’s yer flavor.”

“Don’t go spoiling your booty call, Dr. Stewart.” I can’t help smiling as I lift the cardboard cup to my lips.

His jaw tightens and the muscles beneath his sexy stubble flex. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Elizabeth.”

“Well, you’re certainly giving the next guy—”

“Do ye need a reminder of why ye needed a forty-minute soak this morning?”

The way it comes out is harsh. The scowl has returned, and so have the tingles.

I palm my face to cover the giddy smile forming when I realize I get completely turned on by his brutishness and confidence.

When he reaches across the island and pulls my hand away, he studies my face for a moment with a harsh expression, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024