A Scandalous Portrait (The Rose Room Rogues #1) - Callie Hutton Page 0,56

the summons was. Instead, he strode to the mews and waited impatiently as the groom readied his horse.

What had Diana meant when she left? Was she merely going out for the afternoon to calm herself down? Did she plan on leaving him permanently? All her belongings were still at his house.

He sighed as he swung his leg over Black Diamond and made his way to the street.

His thoughts were still muddled by the time he reached Sir Phillip’s office. Hunt took the steps two at a time and dropped the knocker on the door. Sir Phillip himself answered and waved Hunt in. “Come in, come in. I wasn’t sure if you had returned from your wedding trip.”

Most likely Sir Phillip knew precisely which train they’d arrived on, where they’d been, how long they’d stayed, and which restaurants, theaters, and museums they’d visited.

The man knew everything.

Once they were settled in the room the size of a large closet, Sir Phillip rested his folded hands on his desk and regarded him. “I wanted to advise you of the status on the Melrose matter.”

Hunt nodded.

“Melrose was picked up by Scotland Yard—at the Home Office’s behest--and was turned over to me. After a lengthy conversation, he cleared up a few matters.”

“What is that?”

“Melrose was not in as deep as we thought. However, he did provide us with names that we are pursuing. The main lead he offered was the name of the man who killed Mallory and then burned his gallery down. The idiot hoped Mallory’s body would be unrecognizable and Scotland Yard would not discover he’d been shot first.”

Hunt shook his head. “So the investigation is over? Or continues? And what happens to Melrose? He is still a peer involved with an anarchist group.”

“Lord Melrose left for America while you were romancing your new wife in Bath. The investigation continues but, at this point, there is nothing that requires your particular skills.”

Sir Phillip stood and offered his hand. “Congratulations on your marriage, my lord. I wish you many years of happiness.”

Hunt rose and took the man’s hand. They remained silent as Sir Phillip walked him to the door. He stepped out into the gloomy day and made his way to the mews to retrieve Black Diamond.

I wish you many years of happiness.

Two days passed with no word from Diana. He noticed when he entered the library the morning after his meeting with Sir Phillip that the painting was gone from his desk.

Good riddance.

No one from his staff mentioned Diana’s absence, which told him they knew something was wrong. Marcus, of course, voiced his unrequested opinion of young wives fleeing their husbands, but Hunt knew in his heart it was all his fault.

He also came to the realization that he was madly in love with Diana, had probably been most of his life, and would do whatever it took to get her back. Perhaps a visit to The Rose Room might distract him. He could have a few drinks, antagonize his brothers, and forget everything for a while.

He’d gone to Diana’s house twice but was told both times she was not at home. Whether that was true, or she was refusing to see him, he had no idea, but he must come up with a plan. Diana was his, and he would get her back.

As usual, instead of going to the front door of The Rose Room, Hunt entered through the back door and took the stairs to the office floor. From the sound of voices coming from the game floor, business was doing well.

“Well, the happily married man has returned from his honeymoon. I would think you had more interesting things to do than bother us.” Dante leaned back on his chair, with his feet on the desk. Hunt swiped at his boots and asked his usual question. “Why aren’t you working?”

“I’m on a break,” Dante and Hunt said at the same time, then grinned at each other.

Driscoll had his head bent over his books and ignored the brothers.

Still feeling restless, Hunt said, “I’m going downstairs. At least someone should oversee the business.”

He left to the sound of Dante’s laughter. As he entered the gaming room, it was just as he’d expected. Busy, noisy and crowded. Hunt went to the bar and ordered a brandy. He took a sip and turned to survey the area. As he observed the activity, his eyes wandered the room, noting the solid crowd and raucous conversation and excitement that was generally found in the club. Taking another

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