A Scandalous Portrait (The Rose Room Rogues #1) - Callie Hutton Page 0,53

he wanted and needed in a wife. She was witty in a derisive sort of way, intelligent in her curiosity about the places they’d visited and new things they’d seen, caring and loving enough to be a wonderful mother, and passionate in the bedchamber.

Perhaps she’d given him cause for concern in the past with her antics, but he’d seen a new level of maturity in her since her return from Italy. Even the scandals that had driven him to sneak into Mallory’s studio, and their quick betrothal and marriage, had not been her fault.

Yes, life would be pleasant with her at his side.

“Did you have a nice visit?” He brushed a loose curl behind her ear.

“Yes. It was lovely. I hope we can travel to Italy some time so I can show you all the interesting and noteworthy things there. Especially Rome. You would love seeing the coliseum.”

“We will. I promise to take you there before our first child is born.”

Diana grinned. “Um, the way we carried on this last week that child might not be too far in the future.”

He raised her hand and kissed her knuckles. “It’s a promise. Things will be much better once this session of Parliament adjourns. I will work on getting estate matters taken care of as well so we can spend a few weeks in Italy.”

Shortly afterwards, they left the carriage and entered the train depot. The station was busy, porters running back and forth with luggage, and the conductors helping passengers settle into the cars. They had first-class reservations, which included the dining service, so they could break their fast on their way home.

They spent the time discussing the things they did and then switched to how Diana wanted to redecorate his townhouse. “I will be happy to use my inheritance from Grandmama and the sale of her manor next to your family estate that you so graciously allowed me to keep in my own name for the expenses.”

Hunt wiped his mouth with his napkin and placed it alongside his plate. “Not necessary, sweetheart. I want that money to stay for your and our children’s benefit. I have enough money to cover whatever you wish to do in London or at my country estate. Remember, as your husband, it is my duty to provide for your food, clothing, and shelter.”

“No matter how elaborate I need that shelter to be?” She smirked.

“I trust you.”

A few minutes of comfortable silence passed, then Diana said, “I need to decide what I will do with my townhouse in London.”

He leaned back in the seat and crossed his arms. “Do you have any ideas?”

She placed her teacup in the saucer and looked out the window at the passing scenery. “I have been considering turning it into a home for abandoned children, or possibly women who have no home.”

“Quite noble of you, my dear. Have you considered how to maintain the dwelling? You will need sponsors, I would think, unless you wish to use your inheritance for that purpose.”

“I am giving that some thought. As I said, it’s just some ideas I’ve had.”

The trip passed quickly and soon they were off the train and, after using a hackney, they rolled to a stop in front of the townhouse.

“I feel odd walking up the steps knowing this is my home now,” Diana said as she took his arm, and they made their way to the front door.

“You will feel more at home once you see your belongings here.”

“My things should have been moved while we were away, and Marguerite will have found room—I hope—for my wardrobe.” She grinned at her husband. “It is quite extensive, you know.”

He patted her hand. “That is no problem. We will find room for everything. And remember, once Parliament ends and we move to my estate, you may take as many rooms as you like to fill with your clothing.”

Diana huffed. “I don’t have that much.”

During one of the many discussions they’d had during their wedding trip, Hunt had made it known to his wife that, although she had her own chamber next to the sitting room joining their bedchambers at the townhouse and estate, he would prefer they slept together.

As he’d pointed out to her, most times, once they made love, they were both too exhausted to move anyway and, since his bed was bigger and more comfortable, his room it would be. Now that he’d gotten her into his bed, he planned to keep her there all night.

The red door with the

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