A Scandalous Portrait (The Rose Room Rogues #1) - Callie Hutton Page 0,42

anything else most of the time.”

She studied him for a minute. He meant it. He was not marrying her for penance, honor, or to stop gossip. He really wanted to marry her.

“Very well. We can plan the wedding.”

He pulled her in for a satisfying, but short kiss since they had arrived at the park.

“One more thing, Hunt,” she said.

He kissed her hand. “What is that, my love?”

“When do we break into Melrose’s house?”

Hunt dropped his head to his chest and groaned.


Diana pulled her black gloves on and stuffed her hair into the black cap she’d borrowed from one of the footmen. She smiled, remembering the argument she’d had with Hunt when she announced she was going with him to search Lord Melrose’s house.

“You are not going with me to search Melrose’s house, Diana,” Hunt had said after she made her intentions known during their carriage ride.

“Why not?”

Hunt squeezed the bridge of his nose. “It’s too dangerous, and there is no need for you to involve yourself in this matter.”

“I was with you when Lord Melrose spoke with Grafton’s footman. In fact, if memory serves, I was the one that brought their conversation to your attention. Therefore, I am already involved.”

He gave her a dismissive wave of the hand. “Perhaps that is so, but it is too dangerous.” He turned to her. “This is government business that I have been doing for years. Sensitive matters. The fewer people involved the better the outcome.”

She sniffed. “Did your contact know that I was the one who discovered the traitorous lord?”

“Yes. It did happen to slip out.”


“And he didn’t seemed pleased, although in all honestly I did not receive the reprimand I expected. Again, I must restate this is too dangerous.”

She glared at him. “No more dangerous than it is for you.”

“I am a man.”

Her brows rose. “And?”

“And I can handle myself in a scuffle.” He shook his head. “If I have to worry about your safety, it takes away from my ability to protect myself.”

“Hogwash. I know how careful you are about everything, and if you are planning on entering Melrose’s house, you have it all worked out.” She narrowed her eyes. “Isn’t that so?”

He hesitated. “Something could go wrong. No plans are perfect.” He glanced to the side and waved to a carriage full of women. Thankfully, the women continued and didn’t wave them down. The young girls in the carriage fluttered their eyelashes and twirled their parasols. Hunt ignored them.

He is taken.

Returning to the conversation, she said, “What is the plan?”

“You don’t need to know.”

“Very well.” She raised her chin. “Then I shall wait in my carriage outside your house and follow you wherever you go. I shall probably starve while I await your presence since I dare not leave to eat. People will begin to notice me. Scandal will follow. There will probably be a write-up in the newspaper.”

Hunt threw up his hands. “All right. You may go.”


“I am not certain yet, I’m waiting for word from my valet. He has a contact in Melrose’s house who will leave the back door open once they all retire for the night.”

“Will that be wise with the chance that Melrose might wander around and find us?”

Hunt shook his head and offered her a look that indicated her comment was precisely why he didn’t want her to go with him. “No. I have arranged with my brothers to keep the man at The Rose Room until I send word that I am finished.”

“Well done, my lord.”

Smirking at how she’d gotten Hunt to see things her way, Diana headed down the stairs to the back door to await Hunt’s arrival. They’d decided he would leave his carriage parked a block away and meet her at her back door and escort her to the carriage. Even though it was after midnight, there was still a good amount of traffic on the streets with members of the ton out and about. They’d decided his carriage parked in front of her house would only start up unnecessary speculation and rumors.

“What the devil are you wearing?” Hunt scowled at her, his hands on his hips.


“I can see your legs.”

She looked down at herself. “Yes, I believe you are correct.” She looked up. “Very observant, my lord.”

Hunt shook his head and took her arm. “Don’t ever wear those in public.”

She hurried to keep up with his stride. “Actually, I wear them when I have the opportunity to ride in the country. It’s so much more comfortable than balancing in

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