A Scandalous Portrait (The Rose Room Rogues #1) - Callie Hutton Page 0,21

her that someone who she’d been friends with for years all of a sudden appeared so different to her, and whose presence she craved.

His actual visage had not changed—although since her return he did seem larger and more commanding—but the change was in how her body reacted to his nearness. Parts of her body she had never paid much attention to seemed to come alive when she regarded him across a ballroom or was held in his arms as they waltzed. Especially when he flashed that rakish smile that had many women attempting to lure him into their beds.

Even though she acknowledged her confusing and strong attraction to him since her return from Italy, there was no reason to believe anything would ever come of it.

She’d known for years that the Earl of Huntington viewed her as a walking disaster. She was also aware from their years of friendship that, when it came time to marry, he would choose a young debutante who was pure, biddable, and had nary a misstep attached to her name.

She sighed. She was so far from that image as to be farcical. If only she were as bold as Grandmama and suggested to Hunt that they have an affair. Despite what most members of the ton thought of her, however, she longed for what every other young lady wanted. A husband who cared for her, a home she could manage, and children to love and raise.

“Good afternoon, Lady Diana, I am so pleased you were able to join us.” Lady Grafton greeted her, kissing the air on either side of her face.

“Thank you, my lady, I am happy to be here.”

Lady Eunice joined her mother, squealing in that very annoying way the poor girl oftentimes did. Eunice was getting close to spinsterhood, which was a pity because, underneath her silly demeanor, she was a lovely young lady who would make some man a fine wife. Except Diana had noticed a bit of desperation in the girl this current Season.

Eunice would have already been settled in her own home with a husband and children but for her parents’ insistence she marry the highest title she could.

Eunice linked her arm with Diana’s and led her toward the house. “We are going to have so much fun. I have a few games in mind that will probably cause some raised eyebrows.” She giggled again.


“Yes. And Mother just told me yesterday that the Earl of Huntington will be joining us. I am so excited about that because he took so long to respond, Mother was sure he would decline.” They maneuvered their way past Lady Grafton and a couple she was greeting, then entered the hall and started up the stairs.

Hunt? He told her he was not able to join the festivities. Diana attempted to tamp down her growing excitement at Eunice’s words, else she begin to giggle like her hostess.

“I am pleased to hear that,” Diana said, hoping she sounded as blasé as she wanted to appear.

“I know. I hate to admit it, but I am quite enamored with the earl, and so are my parents.” Eunice leaned in close as if to offer a major secret. “He asked me to dance at the Marlowe ball.” She closed her eyes and dipped as if dancing. “It was wonderful.”

Diana grabbed the girl’s arm before she waltzed down the stairs backward. “Careful.”

Another giggle.

Eunice left Diana at the room she’d been assigned. Marguerite was already unpacking and Mrs. Strickland supervising, which obviously annoyed Marguerite. “Mrs. Strickland, I understand there are two rooms on the top floor set aside for companions since this room is rather small. Perhaps you can get yourself set up there,” Diana said.

Marguerite mouthed “thank you” as Mrs. Strickland nodded and picked up her travel bag. “Very well. I will see you at dinner, I suppose. Unless the companions are to be banned to another area for dinner as well.” She sniffed and left the room.

Diana rolled her eyes and ignored the comment. Mrs. Strickland could be a trial at times, but Diana didn’t have the desire or time to interview another companion. She would be quite happy to do without one, but since she always seemed to be in danger of getting into trouble, having a companion who acted as chaperone was a necessity to keep the virtue vultures happy.

“Marguerite, they are serving tea on the patio. I would love to be rid of this dusty outfit. Will you see if there is something that doesn’t require

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