SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,90

done much sleeping, it’s been like one big sexfest. Not that I’m complaining. I love being with him, but he has worn me out. This new Roland is a lot different than the old one, he still has the same heart though and for that I love him even more.

I grab the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and begin making breakfast. The sound of sizzling bacon makes me smile. It’s been so long since I’ve done this, just made an everyday normal breakfast for my family.

My family. I love the sound of that.

As I cook the eggs I can feel his presence behind me. Roland slides his arms around my waist as his lips caress my neck.

“Mornin’,” he says in that sexy, groggy voice that always makes me smile.

“Morning. You hungry?” I ask and look over my shoulder to see Roland grinning with that dirty glint in his eyes.

“I might be,” he teases as he nips at my neck.

“No more today. I am officially cutting you off,” I warn him.

Roland chuckles before kissing me once more. Then he moves toward the coffee pot.

“I didn’t hear you complain’ last night,” he chuckles as he sets up the coffee.

“Well, you will today,” I giggle.

Roland laughs as he grabs mugs from the cabinet.

“You feel like goin’ out later? I wanna take Drake fishin’,” he says.

A smile crosses my face. Drake has always wanted to go fishing. My heart swells in my chest and I’m forced to fight back the tears that want to fall.

“He would love that. He’s always wanted to go.”

“Good. I just need to run by the clubhouse first and then we can go,” he says.

The kitchen is silent for a few minutes in which we both move around doing mundane things like making breakfast together when it suddenly turns to chaos and screams.

Booming sounds vibrate the walls as windows shatter. The coffee pot that Roland has just been holding explodes as he drops it and lunges at me. The whole scene happens in slow motion. My body hits the floor with a thud as Roland lands on top of me. That’s when I hear it.

“Mom? Dad?”

I hear Drake’s screams and they’re like a stake to the heart. I scramble around trying to force Roland off me so that I can get to him, but he moves first. He’s yelling at me, but I don’t hear a thing. I watch as he stands and runs through the living room as more shots ring throughout the house. Crawling across the floor I go as quickly as I can until I get to Drake’s room. Roland sees me, grabs me by the arm, and drags me toward him.

“Get in the bathroom. Stay there and stay down,” his words hit me hard.

I grab Drake and we both move quickly into the bathroom to huddle together. Drake sobs not knowing what’s happening until we hear Roland screaming, “You motherfucker!”

More shots sound throughout the house, but I stay curled around Drake. We hold each other tightly and when the door is kicked open I scream. Roland stands in front of us with blood dripping down his arm. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest. It’s so wrong, but in this moment I see just how perfect he is. His chest is heaving for air and sweat drips down his body.

“We need to move. Get dressed,” he tells Drake.

Drake moves out of my arms and runs back into his room. Roland storms toward our room with me right behind him. I grab my shoes and quickly slip them on while he grabs his shirt and cut.

“Who was that?” I ask while knowing I won’t get an answer.

Roland looks over his shoulder at me and gives me the not now look. I don’t push my luck as I grab my phone and stuff it into my pocket.

“Get Drake. We’re goin’ out the back,” Roland says with hard eyes.

I nod once before I go down the hall to be greeted by my son with a smirk on his face.

“What are you smiling for?” I ask him a little confused.

“I never thought I’d be in a shootout mom. It was just like on the tv, only live!”

Drake’s expression is priceless, although I don’t see the excitement in nearly being shot to death. Roland chuckles behind me.

“That’s my boy. Let’s get out of here before they decide to come back,” he says as he moves past me and throws his arm around Drake.

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