SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,85

like red heads, yeah?”

I glance over at him and he grins and moves toward me. He pulls the girl from my grasp and moans as he pulls her body against his. One of his hands snakes around her waist while the other goes around her neck. He slowly slips his hand into the front of her tiny shorts and straight between her thighs. She tries to fight him, but with the grip he has on her neck she isn’t going anywhere. Larry, the fucking idiot, is on his knees in front of me as he screams and hollers.

“Shut the fuck up!” I roar.

Ink doesn’t stop what he’s doing, not that I expected him to. Larry’s eyes move from me to his girl and back again. The fear you can see in his eyes is what’s pushing me forward. Something about seeing a grown man brought to his knees excites me.

“Last chance before Ink here squeezes the life right out of her,” I offer him one last chance. I offer a way for this to end. Now we just sit back and watch to see if he takes it.

“The Brotherhood isn’t as big as they want people to think it is. Everyone thinks it’s some old ass MC that’s reuniting,” he finally says.

“Isn’t it?” I ask as I cock my head to the side to study him.

Put a man in the situation he’s in and a majority of the time they’re going to tell you the truth. Whether it’s out of fear for their loved one or fear for their own end. Either way, they end it.

“No. A few might be from there, but a majority are some ape shit crazy ex-cons. Ramirez knows all about it. That son of a bitch orchestrated it all,” he chuckles harshly.

“No fuckin’ way,” I mumble.

Larry looks up at me and his eyes are wild like he thinks I don’t believe him. In this moment I don’t know that I do believe him. Ramirez told me they killed his guys. He told me to my face that he wasn’t a part of this shit.

“Fuckin’ liar. You son of a bitch,” I scream even louder.

He’s been playing me, this whole fucking time, he’s been playing me against the other side. He used me to get what he wanted. He fucking knew that I would never let him in on our guns. That bastard!

“I didn’t lie. I swear to Go--”

I pull the trigger. His body drops to the floor.

“I never said you were a liar,” I tell his dead body.

I glance at Ink and he slides his hand from the slut’s shorts and shoves her forward toward her dead boyfriend as she cries. I raise my arm and pull the trigger for the second time tonight.

She falls to the floor with him with her hand resting across his chest. I tilt my head and study the two of them for a second. How perfect was that shot? It allowed them to fall to their deaths while still being connected to each other.

“Well, that fucked up the plan slightly,” Mason chuckles and kicks the dead girl’s foot.

“A little? No, that fucked me a lot! I already knew that if I ever got sent back to the pen I was a dead man, but now I’m a dead man walkin’ the streets too. Ramirez fucked me over,” I say through gritted teeth. My jaw is locked so tightly that pain radiates through it.

Ink walks over and rests his hand on my shoulder and says, “Hey, we’ll get that bastard too. He ain’t the only one with connections in the pen brother.”

I nod my head and reach into my pocket for the pack of cigarettes I carry around with me. I pull one out and light it up.

“This is complete shit. I just want my family safe man. I want the motherfucker that took my family away from me dead. Why the fuck is it always so fuckin’ difficult?” I ask this mainly to myself.

“Because this is our life brother. This is what we signed up for. This is who we are. Shit doesn’t change just because we have kids or an old lady. This is what we are. We are the fuckin’ Soulless Bastards,” Mason bellows next to me.

I take one last look at the death that I just caused before I look at him. Fire is dancing in my veins.

“You’re goddamn right we are. We fight until the end. Until death and that’s exactly what the fuck I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024