SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,7

here. I’m a people person. I like people in general, although some just seem to piss me off by simply breathing. Joe lets me have free rein of the bar for the most part. Especially since he saw how I connect with the customers. I have to say, I think it’s my charming personality. Yeah, fucking, right. Who the fuck am I kidding? It’s these giant ass tits I was blessed with. Men seem to gravitate toward them. The door chimes, letting me know someone else is here.

“Welcome to Joe’s!” I yell over the crowd. See? Fucking friendly. I move along the bar, picking up empties and wiping up spilled drinks. I hear a few ladies gasp and giggle at the other end. I just shake my head and continue on with my job. These women come in here to get drunk and as the night goes on the men in here start looking more and more sexier to them. I’ve been down that road a few times myself. I grab my tips, stuff them into my pocket, and spin around. I wasn’t expecting to come face to face with a beast.

“Satan? You again?” I ask as I plaster a smile on my face and flounce my way towards him. Leaning on the counter, I give him an eye full of my tits.

“I’m more of an ass man, sweetheart,” he says in that deep, dark voice I remember all too well. It’s been weeks since I fucked this man in an alley, but there’s no way in hell I’d forget him. “What’s with the Satan thing?” he asks as if he’s interested in my reasoning.

“You remind me of him. What can I get ya?” His eyes stay locked on mine. Not one word comes from his lips.

“I don’t have all night. As you can see, I’m kinda busy,” I snap at him.

A slow, devious smirk crosses his face before he replies, “I can see that. Maybe what I want you can’t give me in front of all these people.”

Oh, my dear Satan, did you just issue me a challenge? Throwing my head back, I laugh before I jump onto the counter. I swing my ass around so that my legs come to rest on either side of him. And I spread them wide open. “What was it you wanted again?” I tease him.

His eyes move this time from mine to travel down my body. Cat calls and whistles sound throughout the room when his hand comes down to rest on my thigh. “I knew you were a slut, but damn baby. Right here in front of the whole bar?” His fingers slowly slide up my thigh, stopping right at the bottom of my shorts. His eyes remain on mine trying to see if I’ll stop him, and hell to the no I absolutely will not be stopping him. I don’t care if I lose my job for fucking this beast. Right here on the bar. That’s a thrill I’m willing to risk this job for.

“Whitley!” Joe barks behind me. I turn my head and look over my shoulder with a smile.

“Hey, Joe,” I squeal. I absolutely love Joe. Not in the love, love sense, but in the he lets me get away with murder because I’m the best bar tender he’s ever had.

“What did I tell you about trying to fuck the customers at work?” he grins and walks the rest of the way behind me. He then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me off the bar.

“Do it on my own time. You’re not paying me to fuck; you’re paying me to serve. But if you think about it Joe, that would be a service,” I tease him, slapping a hand on his chest, over his heart. I walk down the bar as he laughs and starts talking to Satan.

I hand out a few more rounds and clean up even more spills on the bar. I swear some people are just so damn careless when they’re drunk. I keep watching out of the corner of my eye as Joe and Satan get deeper into their conversation. He already has my skin heated up from that touch of his. I suppose it’s a good thing Joe came out when he did. I may have really lost my job this time.

Now that I think about it, no I wouldn’t have. Joe wouldn’t fire me even if his life depended on it.

“Hey, Whit!” I turn to see the smiling face Copyright 2016 - 2024