SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,44

been? I need dirty details. Did he lick and stick? Was it huge? Tell me,” I squeal with excitement as I mix her favorite drink. Carla laughs and takes her seat. Setting her drink in front of her, I pour myself a shot. Knocking it back quickly I see Joe walk out to the front.

“Don’t drink all the good shit Whitley,” he teases me. I grab the towel and toss it at him, sticking my tongue out before looking back at Carla.

“Okay, spill it. I can tell you did something. You’re all glowing and shit.”

“Okay, fine. Yes, we had sex, and it was awesome. Oh my god Whit, Nick was insane in bed. He fucked me like a maniac,” she beams.

“Don’t stop now, I want the juicy details.”

“He was so big. I didn’t think he would fit. When he me pinned on the bed, I almost came. It was that easy with him,” she coos.

“Damn, you’re getting me wet. He pinned you to the bed? And you liked it?” I ask her needing to know more. This is what I’ve missed. Being able to just be me and have fun. I love working here, but more than that I love the people.

“I actually did like it. It was crazy. I wasn’t sure if I would, but oh my god, the way he took control.” She grabs her drink and takes a long pull. “I was so turned on. I see now why you like sex so much. It was insanely fun,” she squeals.

I giggle as I wipe the counter in front of me. It doesn’t take long for me to fall into a routine. I’m serving drinks, talking, and having a good time when the front doors burst open. Masked men move into the room and shots are being fired. Before I can scream or react, I’m being yanked down to the floor.

“Crawl into the back. Go. Now,” Joe snaps.

I nod my head as he reaches for the gun he keeps under the counter. The shots are loud and people are screaming. My stomach clenches and all I want to do is call Mason. I crawl through the door and stand when I get to the back. I run through the maze of boxes, climb into the back closet, and lock the inside lock. Joe told me about the closet. He had it set up this way just in case we were ever robbed. I slide my phone out and silence it before typing out a message to Mason with trembling fingers.

Me: Shooting at Joe’s

Mason: What the hell do you mean? And why are you at Joe’s?

Me: Working. I’m scared Mason

Mason: Stay hidden

My whole body trembles. I can hear the commotion and people yelling. It sounds like explosions going off. I’ve never felt so afraid in my life. Everything that I’ve done and everything that I’ve thought I believed in all flashing in my mind. I wrap my arms around myself and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I don’t know how long I’ve been in here. I don’t know what’s happening out there. I slide the lock open, push the door open slowly, and peek out. I don’t see anything. Taking a deep breath I walk out slowly. Creeping around the boxes my heart starts thundering in my chest. My breathing increases the closer I get to the front. Pushing through door that leads to the bar, I begin to scream. There’s blood. So much blood.

“No,” I cry looking around. There are people I know. People I’ve served and laughed with. People that left me tips. People that hugged me. Shaking my head slowly I continue to look around. “No, god no!” I scream through my tears. I run to Joe and fall to my knees. I lift his head up and put it in my lap as I start to cry even harder.

“Joe? Wake up Joe. You can’t do this to me!”

The pain in my chest worsens. How can this happen? How the hell does this happen? As I rock Joe’s limp body in my arms, the world slowly slips out of focus. Everything around me turns to fuzz. There is no noise. There is no light. There’s only me and the death that lingers inside of the bar.

Chapter 29


“We have one shot at this Manuel. If this doesn’t work we’re fucked,” I tell him.

After the text from Whit I called Viking. I moved our meeting inland so that when it’s over I can get the hell Copyright 2016 - 2024