SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,4

me into his arms and hugging me tightly.

“Well, I was out with Brian and that shit head decided to overdose on me. Then, Megan and her hoard of goons showed up. Can you believe that bitch tried to have one of her goons come after me? I almost lost my shit and went all Chuck Norris on their asses.” Jackson laughs before kissing the top of my head.

“Sounds like you had a fun night,” he sighs.

“That wasn’t even the best part of it.”

“Oh, do tell, Miss Slutty McSlut,” I throw my arm over Jackson’s chest and hold him close.

“I ran from goon one and ran right into some hot piece of ass behind Joe’s Bar,” I tell him as I inhale his scent.

“Are you smelling me, ho?”


“You’re fucked up.”

“No, I’m not. I like how you smell, Jack.” We both crack up laughing.

“Did you fuck said hot piece of ass?” Jackson asks while tickling my side. I giggle and nod. “That explains why you’re all sunshine and flowers instead of death and daggers.”

“Damn right. Just look at my back,” I squeal before rolling over and throwing my shirt off. The bed shifts and dips as Jackson moves. His fingers run over my skin igniting bumps and heat everywhere they go.

“Damn, he must’ve fucked you good,” he whispers. Jackson leans down and kisses the scrapes on my back causing me to moan out loud.

“You want your turn?” I ask him playfully.

“No, you have to go to work. When you get home though? That ass is mine,” he says before slapping my ass roughly. I groan and roll over before getting out of bed. Digging through my closet, I grab clothes and head to the bathroom.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I’m shocked at the girl that’s looking back at me. I wasn’t always this kind of girl. I was smart, went to school, and I made good grades; I even had plans for college. My family didn’t like the guy I was dating. He hit me. He hit me a lot. Not so much different than my real father, who took off when I was ten. Mom remarried and Sam became my new daddy. He was strict with me, but not with my sister, it always made me wonder why. By the time I turned sixteen I was totally uncontrollable. I met Darrick and was instantly in love. Whatever the fuck that was for a sixteen-year-old. I blame him for everything, even though he didn’t force me to be what I am now. He was the one that introduced me to the drugs that I now crave as well as the sex I absolutely cannot live without.

Sighing to myself, I climb in the shower and let the warm water run over me. It doesn’t take long for Jackson to join me.

“What are you doing?” I ask over my shoulder like I’m upset he’s in here with me.

“Shut up, Whit. I need a shower too,” he says grabbing the shampoo and squirting it into his hands. He grabs my hair, yanking it so I’m forced to turn away from him. Gently, he massages the shampoo into my hair. I moan and groan just enjoying the feeling of him washing my hair.

“You’re going to have an orgasm if I keep doing this,” he teases me. I smile and laugh.

“It feels so good. You know I love when someone plays with my hair. I could fall asleep right now and never wake up,” Jackson chuckles and shoves me back under the water. I close my eyes tightly so the soapy water doesn’t burn them. When I’m all rinsed off, Jackson pulls me into his arms.

“Pete called earlier,” he says. His fingers continue to massage my shoulders now.

“What the hell did he want? You better not be fucking him again Jackson! I swear to all that’s fucking holy that I will never blow you again if you get back with him,” I warn him. Jackson just laughs.

“I told him to fuck off.”

“You totally did not. You never tell him to fuck off. You like to keep that fucker on a leash. Come on, tell the truth.”

“Okay, I didn’t tell him to fuck off, but I did tell him we aren’t getting back together. I’ve decided I’m into pussy this week,” he says making me laugh. Jackson is bisexual. I’m not sure he truly knows which sex he likes better. Some weeks he won’t touch a man, and others he can’t seem to get enough Copyright 2016 - 2024