SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,35

sinks in.

“Goddamn it Mason. I know. I do fuckin’ know you, which is why this shit with her is shockin’ the shit out of me. Does she mean that much to you already?” he asks.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I look him directly in the eye. “She’s startin’ to. There’s somethin’ different there and I want it. I’m not walkin’ away from her. Not until she tells me to anyway.”

“Where does that put you then? When she tells you to walk?”

“Leaves me in the same place I am now brother. You know me Viking. Don’t stand here and act like you don’t. I can handle it.”

Viking nods his head as his eyes fall to the beer bottle in front of him.

“Don’t you let her affect business Mason. VP or not I will vote you the fuck out. I don’t want to; you know I don’t. Without the Columbians pullin’ shit in we’d go under.”

I nod my head knowing that all too well. We may have a good set up here, but most of our money comes from selling the coke Armando supplies us. I know losing him as a supplier will kill this club. I need to think about this. I need to focus on something other than what that bastard may have done to break her, but I can’t.

“I know. I won’t let it interfere.” I’m a fucking liar. I’ve never been the lying type, especially when it comes to the club, but if there is a slip up on Armando’s part, I will kill him. No fucking question asked.

“Get the fuck out of my office before I lose my shit,” Viking says waving me off.

I turn on my heel and leave the office to head straight to the bar. Grabbing a bottle of Jack I drink it straight from the bottle. I need to clear my head. I need to figure this shit out. I need to figure out where I’m at with all of this. Losing Whit isn’t an option any more. She needs me, fuck me I think I need her too.

“Rough night?” Ink asks while passing me a joint. I bring it to my lips, inhale, and then exhale.

“Fuckin’ life brother. My head’s a goddamn mess.”

He just chuckles as I blow out the ring of smoke. I take another hit and then pass it back to him.

“About that chick?”

“Yeah, she told me some shit the other night. Fucked up shit man. I didn’t know how to even respond to her,” I tell him.

Ink watches me as he smokes for a few before he finally speaks.

“You care about her?”

I nod.

“Fuck the rest then.”

“Can’t just fuck it. Shit could come back on the club, and it’s fuckin’ deep man.”

Ink mumbles under his breath before glancing around before leaning in closer to me. “You need somethin’ I got you. No questions asked Mason.”

“Appreciate that brother, but I can’t drag this club under. I just need to think things over and come up with a plan. Somethin’ that won’t fuck everyone involved,” I tell him.

Ink nods and leans his hips against the bar. “Told you man, you need someone to run ideas with, I’m here. We’re brothers. Remember what it was like when I was with Trixie? You can’t fight that shit.”

Nodding my head, I watch as he turns and walks away. I pull out my cell and dial one of the last people I ever want to talk to, but I know I have to.

“The fuck you want puto?” That voice makes me grin.

“Manuel, come on now. I thought you loved me?” I joke. I look around to make sure no one else is listening.

“Love you? Fuck I’d rather have my goddamn dick fall off and be eaten by a shark than love you motherfucker. What do you want?”

“I have a few ideas I want to run by you. Was wonderin’ when the next time you’ll be in the states might be?”

The line is quiet for a few seconds. Maybe he hung up? I would if I was him. The last time he and I had a run in I knocked out half of his teeth.

“What kind of ideas?”

“The kind that involves big shipments and that half breed bastard you call a brother steppin’ into the spotlight.”

Well that got his attention. I know it did.

“Friday. I’ll meet you at the docks. You know which boats belong to me.”

The line goes dead, but my smile expands. Step one is now in play. Now, to get Whit Copyright 2016 - 2024