SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,29

she jerks away from me. When she spins to look at me, I want to die. The look of pure panic is etched into her beautiful face. Cocking my head to the side I take a step closer to her.

“What’s happenin’ right now, Whit?” I ask. I put my hands gently on her shoulders. She looks as though she saw a ghost.

“Nothing. It’s… nothing. Can you take me home please? I’m not feeling very well all of a sudden.” Lies. Something is wrong. She’s fucking lying to me right now.

“What do you know about him?” I growl at her. She knows something. I can tell by her reaction to him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just want to go home Mason.”

“You know somethin’. You went white as a fuckin’ ghost Whit. How do you know him?” I roar a little louder this time.

“I said I don’t. Are you going to take me home or should I just start walking?” she snaps. The longer we stand here arguing the more I can see her eyes flare. She stuffs the helmet back in the saddlebag and glares at me. Before I can make a move, Whitley starts to walk past me. A little huff leaves her mouth. I reach out and grab her jerking her back in front of me.

“I’ll take you the fuck home, but you are gonna tell me what the fuck that was about,” I growl in her ear. Whit pulls her arm from my grasp and gazes up at me.

“You think you own me Mason? Don’t you? Is that what you think? You are not my father. You are not my boyfriend. I don’t have to tell you shit, asshole.” The way she grits her teeth and bares a part of her soul just guts me. I don’t need her words. I don’t need her to open up and tell me. I’ve lived this life long enough to know when something is wrong. I’ve seen enough to know fear, rage, and anger even if it is being used as a disguise for something else. I fucking see it all in her right fucking now, and it pisses me off.

“Maybe I’m not anything to you, but babe you are somethin’ to me. And I will pull every one of your goddamn secrets out of you. I don’t give a shit how long it takes me or how hard it is to do. You got me?” I snarl. Whitley watches me closely no doubt trying to gauge me. When she can’t, she snatches the helmet out of the saddlebag and places it on her head. She doesn’t look at me. In fact, she’s looking everywhere but at me.

Not that I give two fucks. She’s going to tell me what I want to know if she likes it or not. I will get it out of her. I climb back on my bike and she hurries on behind me. As soon as her arms are wrapped around me I rev up the bike and take off.

Chapter 20


“It’s so good to be back!” I squeal as I pass out drinks. Sliding shots down the bar, listening to the loud music, and hearing the ramblings of the customers is amazing. Being off for a few days has really put a damper on my attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I loved spending time with Mason, but the more time we spend together the more he wants what I’m not willing to give. My heart and soul don’t belong to him. Hell, they don’t even belong to me; they belong to the devil. The first time I tried to kill myself he took them and I can’t say that I mind. It’s easier this way.

Seeing that flash from the past really stirred up something in me. Alvaro Diaz. Once upon a time I thought I loved that man. What a fucking joke that turned out to be.

“There’s my favorite person!” Carla squeals as she drops onto her normal stool.

“Well now. Aren’t you just all sunshine and rainbows? Must have been a good day today?” I ask as I begin to mix her drink.

“Best day ever. Have you ever met someone and just felt so comfortable with them that you can really just be yourself? Even though you don’t know them well, but you can just feel it?” she asks with a smile I’ve never seen on her before. Setting her glass in front of her I pour a drink for myself. After taking Copyright 2016 - 2024