SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,21

She’s perfection. She’s perfect in her own fucked up way.

“It was fun. I do have to admit though that it was the first time I’d ever fucked in an alley.” Her admission makes me laugh. It’s a real laugh. One I haven’t let free in a very long time.

“You’re shittin’ me?”

“Nope. I’ve fucked in many, many places, but never in an alley. Well, until that night anyways,” she beams up at me.

“Glad I could be your first then. Where you headed?” I ask her, passing her my helmet. I didn’t plan on having her on the back of my bike tonight, as of matter of fact I didn’t plan on having her on it ever again, but life seems to have had other plans.

“My place is over on…”

“Ninth,” I say not letting her finish. She raises an eyebrow and studies me for a minute before it registers with her.

“You picked me up,” she grumbles to herself.

“Yes, I did do my homework on you too, Whit. I don’t just fuck random girls and then save them, ya know?” Her laughter belts out of her shocking me.

“You mean you check into all the girls you fuck in back alleys? That is very high up there on the creeper scale. As a matter of fact, my creeper beeper is going crazy right now,” she laughs even harder.

“Your what is doin’ what?” I’m confused as fuck right now.

“My creeper beeper. It’s like a sixth sense. I can tell when someone is a straight up weirdo. You are setting that fucker off right about now,” she says while giggling.

“Get your ass on my bike. If I was such a creeper then you wouldn’t have gone to Key Largo with me,” I tease her.

Whit laughs again and it makes me smile. This is the side of her I wished she’d show more people. The one that doesn’t think dying is a good thing. She’s vibrant and full of life. I climb on and help her on behind me before revving the engine up. I pull out of the alley slowly and hear the rumble of another bike. Fuck. I kill my bike and slowly roll it back into the alley.

“What are we doing?” Whitley asks. I throw my finger up to my lips to silence her as I look over my shoulder. Pointing to my ears, she seems to get what I’m trying to tell her. I climb off with her right behind me.

“I’m gonna go around front to have a look. You stay here,” I tell her. Whitley nods her head, and then leans against the brick wall as if this is nothing new to her. For her to be laughing one second and so clueless the next, amazes me.

Moving slowly and silently around the side of the building, I listen as the engine of yet another bike roars through the streets. Peeking around the corner I see one of the Dwellers parked out front, in the distance I can hear more coming. Fuck me, I’m outnumbered here. It would take the guys too long to get here. Jogging around to the back again, I find Whit where I left her.

“We need to set off the alarm. There’s an asshole out front, and I can hear more coming any minute; too many for me to fight,” I tell her. Whit watches me with wide eyes. “You have a problem ridin’ home with me tonight? I’m gonna need to get us out of here as quickly and as far as I can in a short amount of time. I need to talk to my boys, and then I can take you home.” Whitley watches me intently before she walks toward the back door. She doesn’t say a word, but when she starts fumbling with the door handle, I know what she’s doing.

The scream of the alarm breaks the silence of the night. Whitley turns with a wide smile before racing back to me. I climb back on my bike quickly. Whit leaps and jumps on behind me, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist. In the matter of seconds, I’m speeding out of the alley and down the road.

The sound of gun shots can vaguely be heard over the roar of my engine. Whitley holds on even tighter as I move the bike through the streets. Weaving in and out of cars and trucks I make my way to the clubhouse. I know most of the guys are in there since its Friday night.

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