SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,187

me. Her lips are pressed together. Her eyes are wild.

“What do you see?” I ask her as my eyes search hers.

“I see the monster they all peg me for. The one they see. I don’t fuckin’ see myself anymore Kyza. I’m not even sure who the hell I am anymore,” I admit.

My chest aches. My mind is a fucking mess. She’s ripping me apart inside. She takes the few steps that separate us and puts her hands on my chest.

“If that’s all that you can see then you aren’t looking hard enough,” she says in a soft, gentle voice. She’s the opposite of everything I am. I raise my hand to tangle it in her hair. I pull her closer to me as I lean down into her space.

“I’ve been lookin’ my whole damn life. How the hell do you show up one day and see it all?” Her lips press into mine. She kisses me slowly before she pulls back.

“Sometimes we can’t see what’s right in front of us. Sometimes it takes someone else to see it for us,” she whispers.

“And that’s you?”

She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. It’s cute how she likes to argue with me, but I always seem to win. She isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

“Yeah. I guess we could try this.”

“You guess? Did you think I was actually givin’ you a choice?”

“Oh, I always have a choice.”

“I gotta tell you somethin’ though. Tomorrow could get ugly and fast. This isn’t just a gun run.”

“Gun run? You didn’t fucking tell me that.”

“I just did babe. Listen, tomorrow I gotta meet a lawyer and get one of the prospects out. They got picked up with the other half of our shit.”

“How the hell is he out then?”

God, I think I could actually love this woman.

“That’s what we’ve got to find out.”


“You think you can handle that?”

I watch her eyes light up. Fuck does that make me harder than I’ve ever been. Just thinking about her helping me, her standing next to me, is more than I ever thought I’d have in my life.

“You’re goddamn right I can. What are we doing tonight?”

“I’m fuckin’ you tonight babe. All over that hotel. First we’ve gotta go meet up with my boys and get the rest of our shipment. If I don’t have it to Key Largo soon the main man is gonna have my ass.”

Kyza grins. I think my heart melts a little.

“I think we can handle that.”

I kiss her once more before I grab her hand and pull her toward my bike and pass her the helmet. She puts it on her head and waits for me to climb on. As soon as I do so she climbs on and holds tightly to me. I like this. Her wrapped around me the way she is, is heaven.

I rev up the bike and drive off. I hit the highways once we are going just on the outskirts of Savannah. That’s close to where the guys were picked up, but it’s also where the clubhouse we are going to is. I don’t like the idea of Kyza going there, but she’s with me, so she’ll be fine. I’d much rather have one of them lay a hand on her so I can gut the motherfucker rather than leave her at the hotel.

When we get to the gate she tenses slightly. I kill the engine and climb off. I drag her with me.

“A junkyard?” She asks looking up at me as I nod.

“Who would look here?”

She shrugs and smiles, but follows along.

“Who the fuck are you?”

I jerk my head around to look at the man in front of us. A cigarette hangs from his lips and a scruffy beard hangs down his chin.

“I’m lookin’ for Mart.”

“You found him. Now who the fuck are you?”

He looks from me to Kyza. He smirks down at her.

“I’m Monster. I’m Bones’ boy. I’m here to get the shipment he had you store.”

He slowly pulls his eyes from her and back to me. He nods while looking at my cut for a name.

“They ain’t lettin’ that fucker out?”

I shake my head.

“Gettin’ a prospect tomorrow.”

“No shit. How’d that happen?”

I shrug and pull out a cigarette lighting it up.

“Gonna find out when I pick the little shit up. This should be fun.”

Kyza giggles next to me. Mart looks back at her.

“You into that shit?”

“Maybe a little,” she replies.

He chuckles and his eyes move up and down her body. The thought of snapping his neck is a strong one.

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