SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,174

part,” I say throwing her words back at her. It might be a childish move, but I don’t care. She better think twice about pushing my buttons today.

“Well, since sharing time is over give me my clothes,” she snaps as she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

I smirk right back at her. I’m half drunk and I’ve not slept, she better think again about pushing my buttons right now.

“They’re gone until I get my answers,” I say as I stand and take another pull.

She watches me closely; observing me. She isn’t going to let me slip inside of her without a fight. Lucky for her I’m in the fighting kind of mood right now.

“You can’t keep me here,” she snarls.

I set the bottle down on the table and move toward her slowly. Each step is calculated as I think of the many, many things I want to do to her. I tilt my head to the side and watch her eyes. I’m looking for any signs of fear that might be dancing in them, but mainly I’m looking for her darkness. I want to see it. I want her to feel like a cornered, wild animal. I want her to unleash her fury on me because since I’ve met her I knew there was something else lingering inside of her. I knew there was more to her than just being a little lost girl working for Paul. No, there is so much more that she hasn’t let me see yet and I fucking want it all.

“I can do whatever the fuck I want to do. Did you forget who the fuck I am?”

She watches me and each step closer to her makes my cock even harder. She’s a goddamn drug and I want more of it. I knew from the first night I was inside her that her demons could play well with mine. It was something I’ve never felt before.

“You don’t know me Monster. Please don’t fucking push me,” she grits her teeth and that makes me smile.

Right there, it’s just below the surface, that animal that hides inside of her. It looks a lot like mine, but she’s obviously better at keeping hers caged. I’m nearly to her when her eyes spark. I can see the rage simmering in those blue oceans.

“Why not? You gonna break? You gonna snap and let that beast loose? Huh?” I taunt her.

God I need this. I need to see it, feel it, play with it. The air is so fucking thick around us that I can barely breathe, but this, this is what I fucking need from her. Kyza swallows hard; body trembling.

“Monster stop.”

I’m not stopping. There is not damn chance I can stop this now. She’s like a volcano about to erupt and I stand in awe of her. Her eyes are wild. She’s looking around the room for something, anything she can use against me. She won’t find anything. I made sure of that by removing anything that could be used as a weapon while she slept.

“Did he hurt you? Did he keep you trapped in a room like a caged fuckin’ animal?” I ask when we are nearly toe to toe.

She doesn’t take her eyes off of me now and that’s ripping me to shreds. We’re so close, and yet somehow deep inside of her is the Kyza that I don’t even know yet. I see a girl that had something so bad happen to her that she turned into a monster herself.

“You don’t know shit,” she hisses and my cock strains against my jeans trying to get to her.

I reach down and adjust that fucker, but I never lose eye contact with her. She wants to look away, but I can’t let her. Not right now. I’m so fucking close that I can taste it on the tip of my tongue. The intensity between us is insane and I’ve never felt this kind of power before.

“Then tell me. Did he force you? Huh? Did he just take what he wanted from you? Was he your boyfriend?” My tone is low and deadly, but so is the look in her eyes.

“Don’t do this to me,” she begs, but I can see that hardened look in her eyes.

She’s about to snap. I inch even closer as she inches back until her back hits the wall. She looks up and stares into my eyes. Fuck. I think she’s looking into the depths of my soul.

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