SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,136

but he is.”

“Even still. I feel like I’ve let him down and that’s the part that hurts the worst.”

“Because of me?”

I already know the answer. I just need to hear it from her.

Either way I’m not letting her go.

“That’s part of it. I just don’t know what my life is anymore.”

She might not know, but I do. She’s going to college. She’s going to do whatever it is she wants to with her life. It’s the least that she deserves. With a groan I roll over and sit up. “I’m gonna make us somethin’ to eat.”

Chapter 20


I can hear Viking moving around in the kitchen, but I stay in bed. As much as I feel for him I’m still worried about Fin.

My life has revolved around him. He’s been the rock that held me in place for so long and now I feel as if I’ve ruined that. I know I need to talk to him, but what exactly do I say to him? I’m sorry that the life you didn’t want for me is the only one I can see for my future?

Fin never wanted me to be a part of the club life. Of course I was allowed to come around and hang out, but he made it clear that he didn’t want me around any of the guys. I broke a trust with Fin that I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to get back. As I sigh and blow out a breath I hear a loud bang coming from the kitchen. I pull up the sheet to my chest and sit up quickly.

“Viking?” I call out to him.

Commotion ensues somewhere in the house and all I can hear is the sound of things breaking and loud thuds. Muffled roars bounce off the walls. My eyes widen and my heart is hammering.

I climb off of the bed and start toward the bathroom to grab some clothes when the door flies open. A terrified scream rips from my throat when Viking is thrust into the room. His body falls to the floor with a thud as I come face to face with Eric.

“You always looked sexy in a sheet. Go put your fucking clothes on,” he snarls.

My eyes fall to Viking. I can see that he’s not as bad off as what they thought he was. The subtle look in his eyes tells me to do what he’s telling me to. I move to the bathroom and grab my clothes. Eric is right behind me. His eyes burn through my skin, torching the bones beneath. I don’t know what I ever saw in him. The evil that clearly lurked just beneath the surface was far darker than I would have ever believed.

“What the hell are you doing?” I ask him as I pull on my clothes as quickly as I can. Once my shoes are on I glare at him.

“I’m coming back to take what’s mine. You think you can walk away from me Carnie? I was good to you.”

I almost laugh in his face after he says that. He must see it. He reaches for me and grabs me by the hair. He yanks me out of the bathroom as I stumble over my own feet. Eric shoves me roughly which causes my body to slam into the dresser. Pain radiates through me as the air is knocked from my lungs.

“Look at you playing house with another man.”

Eric walks toward Viking and kicks him in the side. I wince.

“I should just kill you here and now. What good are you to me after he used you up?”

The words coming from Eric’s mouth are things he’s never said to me before. Yeah he was always a dick, and liked to talk shit, but this is new.

“Then do it,” I taunt him.

The smile that crosses his face pisses me off. He’s going to do something stupid. I can feel it in the air.

“You would like that? Wouldn’t you? For me to kill you before you have to watch your lover die. How rude would that be of me though?”

“Do you really think the club is going to let you get away with that Eric? How stupid are you? Really?”

The new found courage I feel is almost overwhelming. I would have never talked to him like this before, but being with Viking has taught me more about myself than even I knew.

“You better shut the fuck up Carnie.”

“Or what? You’ll kill me? Do it. I’m not your toy Eric. I Copyright 2016 - 2024