SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,13

you lost your damned mind? I could have drowned just now.” I snap. The smile that creeps over his face dissipates my anger immediately. I can’t find it in me to be mad at him anymore. Why the hell does he have that effect on me? I barely know him and for some fucked up reason I can’t seem to be pissed at him. That is so unfair.

“You were teasin’ the other guests,” Mason says while shrugging.

“I thought you were gone. When did you come back? And for your information, I most certainly was not teasing anyone. Had he asked me nicely, I would have fucked him in this very pool.”

“Is that so? Don’t let me stop you then,” Mason says as he releases me, giving me a little shove in the direction of Mr. Shades. His eyes are still tracking my every move, even as Mason does the same. I’m suddenly torn between what to do. I’ve never felt the need to make choices like this before. Taking a deep breath, I move toward Shades. His glasses are still on top of his head, making him look absolutely delicious.

“He your boyfriend?” he asks, looking over my shoulder at Mason.

“Nope, just a guy. I’m Whitley,” I introduce myself. Shades seems to be watching for a reaction from Mason, he doesn’t get one. His eyes come back to rest on mine. He brings his hand up, brushing my hair away from my face, and pushing it behind my ear.

“I’m Greg. What brings you here?” he asks, inching his way closer to me. My body responds, and I move closer to him.

“You brought me here. What are we going to do about it?” Leaning in, I press my lips to his neck. Greg shudders and then releases a groan. His hand wraps around the back of my neck before he spins us around. My back is pressed against the rough concrete of the pool as Greg watches me.

“You are very intriguing,” he whispers; as his lips come down to meet mine. The entire world could fade and wash away right now as his lips take from mine, and I wouldn’t notice or care. My body arches, but something feels off. I don’t know what it is, and I can’t seem to place it. A growl vibrates behind Greg and when I open my eyes Mason is there. His muscles are bulging, corded tightly. His jaw tics as he looks at me. Greg doesn’t seem to notice as his lips move from mine down my neck. I don’t respond as Mason sneers at me. What the hell is he doing?

“You’re touchin’ somethin’ that isn’t yours,” Mason growls. Greg tilts his head, smiling before he turns to face Mason.

“The lady said she wasn’t here with you. That makes her open and up for grabs.”

“I’m pretty sure that isn’t fuckin’ right. She’s mine,” Mason roars. I look around Greg and watch as the water slowly laps at Mason’s waist. Dragging my eyes slowly up his body, I can’t help the shiver that overtakes me. That man is built like a fucking brick wall and it makes my mouth run dry.

“Why not let the lady decide?” Greg taunts. Mason’s eyes flare with anger, but as quickly as it came it’s gone. He takes a step back giving us space before he turns and heads toward the other end of the pool. Greg turns to me with a smile on his face. His hand comes up to capture my cheek, but I slap it away. I move quickly around him hearing the shit he’s talking behind my back, calling me a whore and tease as if I didn’t already know that. I ignore him and make my way toward Mason. He has stopped wading through the water and is standing with his hands resting on the edge of the pool, head dropped forward, shoulders stiff. When I get behind him, I run my hands up his back and over his shoulders, his head still doesn’t move. I massage his shoulders and neck, noticing how tense they are.

“Go back to your boyfriend,” he growls low in his throat.

“I don’t want to.”

“That’s not what it looked like to me.”

“Jealousy isn’t sexy on a man like you, Mason,” I tell him with a laugh. Mason slowly turns toward me, my hands roaming over his skin as he moves. By the time he faces me, his eyes are on fire. He looks down at me with so much emotion in his Copyright 2016 - 2024