SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,114

pant for breath while Mason kneels next to him. He looks up after checking to see if he still has a pulse. He shakes his head. I just smirk like the fucking bastard that I am. I hold my hand out to Ink who passes me a gun.

“I decided not to make you boys wait for yours,” I tell them

as I raise the gun and fire one shot into each of their heads. They both sit limply in their chairs with their heads tossed back due to the impact of the bullet.

“Send a cleanup crew out. I’m about ready to head to the goddamn beach house.”

Chapter 8


The last few weeks have been very difficult for me. Eric has hounded me about my weight constantly, so basically I’ve stopped eating. I’ve lost so much weight that I barely recognize myself. I hate what I’ve become. I hate that I’ve let him beat me down the way he does. I toss my clothes into my bag before I zip it up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Eric says as he strides into the room looking way too confident in himself.

“With Fin. I told you about this a few weeks ago,” I tell him looking down to avoid his gaze.

“Oh yeah. That’s right. Brother bonding time. What a fucking waste.”

I ignore his comments not really giving a shit what he thinks of Fin. All it would take is one talk and Eric would be wiped off the face of the earth. Maybe that’s what I need to do. Tell Fin.

Eric walks behind me, grabs my hips, and pulls me back into him. He leans down close to my ear and whispers, “Don’t you dare let anyone touch what’s mine. You belong to me Carnie.

You know that, right?” I nod my head as he plants small kisses on my shoulder. “Good. I don’t want to find out that you were near anyone but your brother.” He pulls away and I grab my bag quickly, tossing it over my shoulder.

I’m about to head out of the room to leave when he grabs me and spins me to face him. His eyes burn into me. The look on his face is different. I’m not quite sure how to explain it. Almost loving maybe?

“I love you Carnie. I just want you to know that.”

I blink rapidly trying to capture the look on his face before it disappears, but when he smiles at me I’m lost. Why is he saying this now? Why hasn’t he ever been like this before? I mean he used to be, but that was so long ago. Maybe he is finally seeing things differently. I smile back at him and lean in to kiss him.

“I love you too.”

It’s not a lie. I do love Eric. I always have, but the way he’s changed has made me see him differently lately.

“Get going before you’re late,” he says with a smile I haven’t seen in years.

Maybe with me losing the weight he has finally accepted me? I take a step back and his eyes move over my body as he grins at me. That has to be it. With a small wave I turn and head out into the hallway. My heart beats a little faster thinking about the look on his face. He was happy.

As soon as I step outside the apartment I know that the man on the bike isn’t Fin. I take a deep breath and walk closer to him as Viking smirks at me.

“Lover boy gonna be pissed off if he sees me?”

“Is that what you were trying to do? Piss him off?” I smart off.

Viking’s grin slowly fades as he replies, “No. Get on. Fin’s waitin’ at the clubhouse. I had a few things to round up before we could go.”

“That’s why you’re here?” I ask as I throw my leg over the bike and climb on behind him.

“Somethin’ like that. Hold on.”

I do as I’m told and hold onto him tightly. The smell of leather and Viking assaults my nose. I don’t know why it feels so right when it’s all so wrong. I lay my head on his back and let the smile that was on Eric’s face when he said he loved me float through my mind. If everything could just stay this perfect I would be happy.

Maybe now that he’s coming around again he will let me go to school. I’ve already applied to a few that he doesn’t know about. I was curious to see Copyright 2016 - 2024