SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,102

is only more intense. It feels as though my heart’s being ripped from my body and someone stomped it into the floor. Nothing else could possibly feel this awful.

Chapter 30


Death was something I learned to be good at. Killing people became an outlet for me. I perfected it. The day I walked away from Molly was the day I sealed my own fate. Molly was the one that ran from me more than once. Now it was my turn. We found Tom that same night. It was a bittersweet moment for me.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He asked when he saw me step into his house.

The same fucking house. I was shocked as fuck when we found him here. At first I didn’t believe the guys when they told me. What kind of dumbass comes back to the same place?

“Thought you might wanna talk,” I tell him.

Tom shoves out of his chair and watches me closely. There is nowhere for him to go. The guys have the house surrounded, just in case he tries to run.

“I don’t think we have much to talk about. She was always supposed to be mine. That whore of a mother of hers just didn’t realize it. I told her over and over. I guess that’s where Molly gets it from?”

His eyes are as evil as the devil. Son of a bitch, I’m going to enjoy watching him die.

“You would think that would piss me off, but it doesn’t. Watchin’ you die is payment enough for what you did to them.”

“Them? I couldn’t stand the damn kid. I was actually glad when she got him out of here. Looking at him reminded me of you. It made me fuckin’ sick,” he snarls.

This son of a bitch. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself before the cops show up.

“He died ya know? Had cancer.”

“You must be so sad. Unfortunately, I’m not. He was a bastard just like you. The kid thought he had a set of balls on him.”

I can’t take it anymore. I move forward and grab him around the neck and squeeze. Tom claws at my hands in an attempt to get away from me.

“That was my kid. He was everything to me. You took all that precious time away from me. He had bigger balls than you ever did,” I growl.

The sirens are within hearing distance now.

“Not much longer now Tom.”

“Reaper. The cops are three minutes out,” Fin says. I nod my head and glance over my shoulder at him.

“Get everyone out of here. Remember your promise Fin.” He closes his eyes like he wants to say something, but I speak first, “You promised me. Don’t fuckin’ fail me brother.” When he opens his eyes he smiles at me.

“I promised you. I don’t break my promises brother. She’ll be taken care of.”

I nod my head once and then watch him walk back out of the house. In a matter of minutes the cops are here with guns aimed. Yeah, I called in and reported a man fitting my description threatening to kill another man.

“Sleep tight Tom,” I whisper as I squeeze the rest of his life out of him.

I could have made it worse. I could have drawn out his death for hours, but what’s the point? Letting him live longer than necessary seemed like a waste of time to me.

The cops storm in screaming at me to let him go and how they’ll shoot if I don’t. I don’t give a shit. When I can sense them closing in on me, I shift my grip and snap Tom’s neck. I can hear the crunch of bone and it sends a shiver up my spine. I didn’t want to leave any possible chance of them being able to resuscitate the fucker.

I’ve been sentenced to life in prison. I stand here in the yard with a handmade shank in my hand, just contemplating my life. I had dreams of what it would have been like for Molly and I if we could have spent forever together. If Drake hadn’t been sick. He would have played football and I would have been the dad in the stands cheering him on. But, none of that was my reality.

We are all destined to be something, and this right here is my destiny. I look to my left and nod my head at the two guys that are helping me. They were paid extremely well for their services. All they have to do Copyright 2016 - 2024